About the most average guy you could find on the street. Damien doesn't have a lot going with his life, but besides being recently homeless, he didn't necessarily have a whole lot going wrong with it either before things went to shit. He did everything expected of people, mostly cruising through life aimlessly. Now he's stuck with these 3 people who can't quit fighting, and they've managed to end up getting him to start fighting with them too. Surely there's better people he could be hanging around, but he'd rather not leave Ally alone with just Phoenix and Rowan, particularly Phoenix. And...well... he doesn't really know what to do about the situation he's found himself in, they've had more experience being homeless. Better than just being entirely alone on the street he supposes.

Height: | 5'8" | Eyes: | Gray-Blue |
Build: | Skinny | Complexion: | Off-white |
Hair Style: | Medium/Wavy | Hair Color: | Brown |
- Likes wearing turtlenecks and long pants all the time. Temperature doesn't matter
- Often smoking
For the most part, Damien is a relatively chill person. He doesn't normally like starting arguments, or getting involved with fights in general, but as he's gotten older, his patience also grows thinner with people who start shit or don't know when to back down, and so he tends to start biting back more often. This is especially noticeable with the other 3 he's been hanging around, who have REALLY tested his patience.
Before becoming homeless, most of his time was spent either working, or sleeping. Sometimes he would read, sometimes he'd put a random channel on TV (often the news), but work typically left him exhausted, so sleeping it was.
While he's generally good at managing himself, he does deal with depression, often adding onto his excessive amount of sleeping, even if he wasn't exhausted already. While he can usually manage it though, he does still end up resorting to smoking and the occassional drink. This behavior continues even after losing his jobs
When people start fighting too often around him, or if they fight over something petty, he has a tendency to start scolding them like misbehaving children. He wants to help people, but typically lacks the energy to do much more than listen. Sometimes this scolding behavior is his attempt to try and help them while still letting out his frustration. It doesn't usually work.
- Food
- The News
- Cleaning
- Helping
- Sleeping
- Phoenix
- Yelling
- Mess
- Kid's shows
- Smoker
- Tired
- Tidy
- Parental
- Open
- Tends to blow what money he can get on cigarettes and beer. Mainly cigarettes. He doesn't intend to do this, he just smokes too often and doesn't realize how fast he's going through them
- Clinically depressed but could never afford meds
Damien lived a very average life growing up. Middle class parents, nice regular childhood, and eventually his parents would help pay for his college education too. Unable to decide what field to go into, Damien opted to take a variety of classes, then chose a fairly easy one to get a simple degree in. He was unable to get a job in the field though, and got two smaller jobs instead. After a financial blow from his parents passing and promptly losing his jobs, things went downhill, leading to him becoming homeless.
Damien grew up in a very nice apartment with his parents. His early life was rather uneventful, going to school, chatting to people, having fun. He never really found a specific interest in much, sort of just going with what most others wanted to do back then.
His parents would help pay to send him to a community college, and he couldn't exactly decide what he even wanted to do for his career. Eventually after trying a few different classes, he settled on getting an associates degree in journalism, figuring that since he found interest in listening to others talk about their lives, then maybe recollecting events and telling current events might be something he could do. When he eventually graduated though, he was unable to find a job, not even a small one. So instead he decided to get a license to drive a bus and got a job driving public transit, and managed to move out to his own apartment.
Eventually his rent would start to raise, and to keep covering it he opted to get a second job alongside bus driving, working at a liquor store just down the street. These two jobs would begin to exhaust him though, and he started feeling rather stuck in life, having no time nor the energy to go out trying to make friends, and ended up spending most days falling asleep to his TV. It also led to him starting his smoking habit
A couple years later, his mother would suddenly succumb to an unknown illness the doctors couldn't identify, and in a terrible stroke of bad luck, his father would end up having a heart attack only a few months later. Most of his savings got thrown away trying to cover funeral expenses, especially without many other family members nearby. The stress of all this would get to him, and he would end up snapping at an unruly passenger much more harshly than he'd intended to, including getting frustrated at more innocent passengers in the crossfire. He ended up fired for this, and then shortly after he would get laid off from his job at the liquor store as it went bankrupt due to a competing store. Within about 5 months, Damien's life had practically completely gone down the drain due to bad luck, and he wasn't able to find a job in time before he'd missed rent too many times, and was evicted from the apartment.
Stuck on the street now, he at least managed to sign up for unemployment before being evicted, and he keeps trying to apply for more jobs in order to keep the benefits. But job hunting in this city was becoming a nightmare even for well-off people, let alone him, who now had it marked that he was fired for behavioral issues, even if he was normally never like that before. The only place that ever seemed to be hiring actively nowadays was some shady job in space, and like hell if he was ever gonna trust that.
CurrentEventually Damien would run into Ally and the others on the street while asking if they had any advice, having seen them around on the street often, and after chatting to Ally a bit, they offered for him to stick around with the group. Damien decided to go along and agree, it wasn't like he knew what else to do, all he could hope for was that eventually some place hired him, and, well, the company sounded nice at first.
It's been the 4 of them for some years now, and the group has generally grown closer, but not necessarily because they like eachother. The only connecting link most of them have is that they all care about Ally, and that they don't want to be on the street alone. So while the group is constantly bickering, they refuse to leave eachother and will still...generally help eachother out. Caring for Ally unfortunately means caring about what happens to the other 2 as well. Damien however has been getting increasingly frustrated with all of them. While Ally is generally nice, they're immature and sensitive. Damien tries not to blame them too much, it's almost certainly Phoenix's fault, he can tell that by now, but it still gets grating at times. Phoenix is just a prick all of the time, and Rowan keeps provoking him on purpose, then behaving like a child when treated rudely back. Then Ally gets upset that they're fighting, and the cycle loops. It's gotten to the point where even Damien can't resist joining the fighting at times, much like when he was stressed and snapped at a passenger, he's stressed once again and snapping at these 3. He hates it, he hates being an angry person, but fuck, can these 3 ever shut up? The only reason he's still here is not wanting to leave Ally behind with someone like Phoenix.
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

Phoenix may possibly be the most annoying and entitled person he's ever met. Nothing ever seems to be his fault, and even when he admits to fault, he still insists that it's not only his fault and that it's someone else's too. He's constantly causing problems, he's an asshole to everyone, even Ally.
Damien likes Ally well enough. Ally has their own issues, but Damien thinks he's pretty sure most of these issues genuinely aren't their fault, and that a large chunk of them are probably because of Phoenix. He really, really cannot wrap his head around what the hell Ally sees in Phoenix.

Rowan would normally be fine, but he can't stop provoking Phoenix, and Damien is tired of hearing Phoenix yelling all the time, he does that enough as is. Damien unfortunately also has a tendency to treat Rowan like a child, despite only being 2 years older than him. He's managed to get Rowan to talk a few times, and some of those led to knowing more about where Rowan grew up. He's unaware of all the shit Rowan's parents put him through though, and has come to the incorrect conclusion that Rowan is just some eccentric spoiled rich kid that just got unlucky enough to end up with the rest of them.