Mirabelle is fairly well known in the Sintane Galaxy with a particular kind of group; those interested in The Parallel. While she's certainly no expert, she and her assistants Peony and Dahlia have the most available resources about it compared to anywhere else. Partly thanks to the planet she resides on, Portan, having a higher than normal amount of potential entrances into the parallel with the right skills and knowledge. While Mirabelle's true passion is therapy and psychiatry, she also values the niche she's ended up in that's helped many people. Mirabelle and her assistants run multiple services at their decently sized home, from a dedicated library in a side building, to potions, supernatural advice, pawning, and of course, therapy. There are very few who leave unsatisified with their experience, most who do simply had too complex of a request to be possible for them to help with. Despite this place being fairly popular, it has no official name, and is simply referred to as either "Mirabelle's place" or simply telling people "You should talk to Mirabelle on Portan"

Height: | 5'5" | Eyes: | Light Blue |
Build: | Average | Complexion: | Pale |
Hair Style: | Short wavy bob | Hair Color: | Blonde |
- She does not lift her tail while wearing her long jacket. She has very good self control and it will only lift if she is suddenly shocked/scared or if very angry. This is mostly to avoid comments from others as people seem to notice her tail more when it's lifting the whole coat. She doesn't care about this as much if the coat is off, but still doesn't emote much with her tail, and mostly emotes with her ears.
- Enjoys dressing 'like an old woman'. Likes long pleated skirts,suspenders, and button ups the most. She typically covers most of her skin when choosing outfits and likes dull but warm toned colors.
Mirabelle has a very peaceful demeanor overall. She's calm and tends to speak softly to most people. She's very good at reading the room and acting accordingly, but will stick to her gentle tone unless she feels that the situation calls otherwise. In love with the pursuit of knowledge, Mirabelle loves to research anything she may come across, her favorite topics being Psychiatry, Biology, Art, and more recently; The Parallel. She firmly believes that knowledge should be shared and that people should work together to help better eachother, which is her biggest focus when it comes to all the services that she, Peony, and Dahlia provide. People are free to read any of the books shes collected over the years, and those who live on Portan can rent them out like a normal library (others however are not allowed to rent them, only read. She allows them to take photos or write copies, it's just physically taking the book off the planet that she doesn't want. Hard to control book returns when someone is across the galaxy.)
While she prides herself in being able to help others, she still has quite a competitive side as well, as well as enjoying some risk every now and then. She is very talented in reading others, and has frequently used this to her advantage to participate in gambling games like Poker. While she played much more risky in her younger years, she's very good at keeping boundaries for herself now when she decides to participate in these games, never getting herself into a situation that she can't fulfill, and making sure to never involve her businesses or Peony/Dahlia. Not that it matters too much when she rarely loses in the first place, often ending up on long winning streaks. Her skills in gambling and her skills in therapy help fuel eachother, being able to notice all sorts of emotional tells in people around her, and how to influence the thoughts of others into a preferable outcome. If Mirabelle ever were to become a bad person, she would have the potential to very dangerous, but thankfully for everyone, she just wants to help everyone reach their full potential.
- Taking Notes
- Gambling
- Therapy
- Sleeping
- Collecting
- Ignorance
- Cheaters
- Yelling
- Short pants/skirts
- Lynxon
- Patient
- Tired
- Curious
- Generous
- Depressed
- Clinically depressed, she does well at managing it, but she's often quiet and tired because of it. On a good day she's much more open and energetic.
- Enjoys drawing and dancing. Very good at drawing, not so much dancing, but she's not horrible.
- Thanks to both her gambling skills and experience acting as a therapist, she is very good at picking up the littlest signals in other people. It is near impossible to lie to her, especially if she knows the person.
Born to poor but devoted parents on Lynxon, but falling into depression regardless at a young age, Mirabelle took up an interest in psychiatry and therapy young out of a want to help others, as well as learning in general. When getting the money for college became a struggle, she gets into gambling with her skills of reading people in order to try and get money faster. When things go a little awry, Mirabelle decides to move planets entirely, moving to Portan and eventually starting up a library there to share her collection of knowledge.
Mirabelle was raised in a fairly regular home in the suburbs of Lynxon. While she lived in a poorer neighborhood, her parents did their best to give her as much of a normal life as they could. Despite their best efforts, Mirabelle would become a victim to childhood depression fairly early on, starting in about 5th grade.
She's always done her best to be a positive force to other people, but sadly wasn't able to uplift herself as easily as she seemed to be able to do for others. In both an attempt to help others further, and to maybe understand herself as well, Mirabelle took up an interest in psychiatry, which eventually led to interest in other sciences, and eventually learning in general. She couldn't shake the permanent cloud that hovered in her mind, but she could forget about it for a few moments getting caught up in the excitement of learning something new about the world. While her main interest would always be psychiatry at heart, she would become an avid collector of educational books of any sort.
In her later years of high school, her skill at reading others, built up from her experiences helping others and her education, led to her also enjoying using it like a party trick, using psychological tricks to get amusing results from friends around her. She was VERY good at it, and if she had wanted, could have used this negatively, but that never was her goal, she just wanted to make others around her smile.
After high school though, in an attempt to raise money for college so she could become a psychiatrist like she wanted to, she began getting into gambling, particularly poker, where she found her skill in reading others to become very useful for catching others tells. Losses for her were rare, and as she gained notoriety for her skill, she would take extra precaution to not get sucked into something she couldn't come back from. Despite her precautions, her parents, whom she'd still been living with at the time, caught wind of how she was raising money, and disapproved greatly. They didn't want to hurt their child, but they couldn't allow this in their own home, and said she either had to stop, or had to move out. Given Mirabelle's failure in trying to raise money through normal means at a pace that would actually get her to where she wanted to be, she chose to move out, using her normal job to pay bills while her 'side gig' paid for food and her savings.
She always played safe, making sure to have a budget whenever she went gambling, and if she ran out for the day, then she was done, made easier by the fact that she won more often than she lost. Once she reached an amount where she began to worry about losing the money, she'd quit for the night. This worked great for a few years, and she was extremely lucky to have never lost anything major. But after a scare with some... less than lawful people, she realized doing this was unsustainable, and the pace she was going at wouldn't get her to the work she wanted to do in a timely manner.
The stress as well led her depression to spiral again, nearing dangerous territory more than once, but she managed to push through, and she also could not live in this apartment anymore with her current wages if she was to stop gambling. Her relationship with her parents was more estranged now, while she could have returned home, it would have been awkward to do so, but on a whim, partially from the desire to experience something new, and partially from the fear that got struck into her, she decided she would simply move again, choosing to move to a whole new planet named Portan, a smaller one, with cheaper homes and a more relaxed society overall. As she lived there, she stopped with the gambling for the most part, instead only offering 'for fun' matches with people in town, with purposefully low stakes. Enough for everyone to enjoy the thrill of getting to claim something new, but with things low value enough that genuine anger between players would be unlikely.
She continued all her studying still, deciding to do it on her own time. Eventually, with her collection of books growing so large, and to the point where she couldn't even reasonably reread most of them whilst also reading new things, she decided to start up a library, with the support of the town. As her collection continued to grow both in size and range of topics, her library started to become known to visitors of the planet as well, and eventually other planets as a whole. More people coming from all around to come peruse the selection of books collected from all over the galaxy. This uptick in visits helping the town itself boom as well, with many visitors stopping at shops as well on their ways to and from the library. The increase in visitors also helped to fund expanding the library, and her collection grew and grew, as well as eventually adding other services. Her library is basically a cornerstone of the community by this point, a library, a game spot, a few rooms people could stay at while visiting the planet, and sometimes, depending on the person, she would offer therapy as well. Not in any official capacity, she would always clarify that she is not a professional, just passionate about helping others and doing the research to do so, but she would gladly give advice to any who asked for it, for free.
With a growing place though, eventually it was getting to be a lot for her to run on her own. It was often just her and some people who volunteered to help her out sometimes. With the perfect timing however, one day two cats showed up in her library. The two sisters, Peony and Dahlia, would just look through everything normally at first, but eventually grew interest in everything else there too, and started volunteering as well, very actively. After awhile, Mirabelle simply offered the idea of them just actually working there, and the two agreed, and have worked there since.
CurrentWith time, the library hasn't expanded as quickly as the past, but the addition of Peony and Dahlia, a duo who loved alchemy and the supernatural, eventually got their own little section of the building too, assisting those who might have been seeking something more magical. Today the three of them still run things rather peacefully, Mirabelle is content with her work, and while she still suffers her bouts of depression, she's much better at coping through them and keeping a positive outlook. She's made friends from many places, regular visitors are her favorite sights to see, enjoying getting to hear from people from all sorts of places with different lives. But she has to admit, it's sometimes worrying how many visitors the library gets these days, while it's nothing crazy, it's only a library, it's enough that it sometimes disrupts the feeling the town had when she first moved there. This burst of business has been great economically, but she can't help but fret sometimes that maybe she's brought too much attention to a relatively small and pacifistic planet. Is she just paranoid? She doesn't really know.
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

Mirabelle's right hand girl, Peony is very helpful around the place. Mirabelle appreciates how quick and effecient she is with her work. Running all the services she does would be impossible without Peony's help.
Peony's troublesome sister is more likely to get on Mirabelle's bad side some days, but Mirabelle still very much appreciates all the help that Dahlia provides as well. Just like with Peony, running all the services they do would be impossible without her.

The two just happened to meet by chance while Mary happened to be on planet and needed to find info for a job she was on. Mirabelle helped out, and managed to coax a proper conversation out of Mary while she was there. As much as Mary insists upon not having friends, Mirabelle is certain that she's probably been Mary's first real friend in awhile. Despite that though, she's aware she's still not really close enough to her to actually refer to her as such, but she likes to give Mary excuses to come back and visit, usually through the two exchanging favors with eachother. Mary hates when Mirabelle starts asking questions, but Mirabelle is used to people like her, and has slowly but surely chipping away into her thoughts with each visit. She can tell there's a broken person behind the facade, and she wants to help.
Dexter is quite the nomad, but he likes to come visit Mirabelle's home when he can. The two met when he showed up asking for info on the parallel to help assist his travel habits so he wouldn't have to be sneaking onto spaceships anymore, and to expand his horizons of places to visit (As locating and identifying parallel portals or forming them himself was a skill his brother was far better at than he was), to which Mirabelle gladly helped out with. Dexter became somewhat of a regular afterward, enjoying talking about various books with Mirabelle. She is currently the only one who knows his real name, including his last name. She's read about the Mewettes in very obscure books before, but has seen Dexter get touchy about the topic of his past, and doesn't question him on it.