Trapped in the cycle of legally not existing, Riley as who they once were is presumed dead by the country, and gotten stuck in the midst of being a spy for their criminal father, and stuck as one for the city's richest woman, Nova. Failure upon failure of trying to connect with others and being prevented by factors out of their control, and some that are in their control, Riley's become a very isolated person, but a perceptive one. They hope one day for a normal life, but it's seeming unlikely.

Height: | 6'3" | Eyes: | Brown |
Build: | Slim-Average | Complexion: | Ashy & freckled |
Hair Style: | Messy ponytail | Hair Color: | Pink/Purple |
- Natural hair color is black, they put a lot of care into keeping that bright color
- Lots of smaller scars of different varieties, some self harm, some injuries from other people, and some just accidental.
- Large burn scars on their left shoulder/arm as well as their back. Some smaller ones on their right arm and legs.
- Likes wearing reds and blacks, or clothes that go well with their hair as long as the entire outfit isn't too bright. Prefers thicker fabrics and likes mixing whatever the current trends are with more punk/alt clothing.
Riley is the kind of person who can never resist throwing out their own opinion into conversations, regardless of whether it's controversial or not. This wasn't always the case, as a child they would try to stick to popular opinion, to their own and other's detriment. As an adult, the pendulum has swung all the way over to the other side, to equal detriments. Much of Riley's personality is like this, constantly in a state of being deeply unsatisfied with theirself, especially around who they were as a child. The result is contradictory traits alongside attempts of hard swinging from one behavior to another. Most of this dissatisfaction stems from how they treated others as a child, being rude, physically aggressive, just overall a bully.
Time and the life path they were firmly placed upon by others has both partly willingly and partly forced them change these behaviors. There's a genuine regret and a want to change themselves and help others for the better, but there's also a stubborn person inside that struggles to let go of the past, trapping them back into their own cycle every so often. Riley tries to be kind, empathetic, generous, patient, and more, and on a good day, they manage it. But what they usually end up being instead, is someone who is indecisive, callous, impulsive, and unable to read a room.
With the majority of people who were large parts of their life having always ended poorly, or been actively hostile toward Riley, they've developed a fairly misanthropic view of the world, it's hard for them to trust people, occassionally slinging poor taste jokes about how awful humanity is, or how they themselves shouldnt even be alive. They don't do it extremely frequently, but it's enough to eventually bring the people around them down.
Riley frequently overestimates how much weight their own opinions actually have over people, it isn't uncommon for them to loudly be wrong about topics for days before finally conceding, and they do always eventually concede when they know they're wrong, they just procrastinate against facing the 'shame' of it, typically leading to issues with anyone involved. For this, and the multitude of other reasons, Riley struggles to actually connect with others emotionally, despite their desire and attempts to do so. They want to have family, whether it's a conventional or unconventional one, and they tend to fill that void by offering to watch over and babysit other's kids, the only people where it isn't hard at all for them to try and be kinder.
- Kids
- Aria
- Spiders
- Cigarettes
- Fashion
- Their 'Dad'
- Nova
- Their Job
- The Past
- Wearing shorts
- Hypocritical
- Misanthropic
- Hot-headed
- Closed Off
- Suicidal
- Their suicidality is more passive than active, Riley has no plans to ever actually attempt anything, but will willingly take more dangerous risks in the hopes that maybe something will finally kill them.
- Has some chronic pains from the large burn scar that covers their left arm to their back, they're usually used to it, but it does flare up occassionally. This scar also restricts that arm's comfortable range of movement somewhat
- Prefers to not be referred to with any honorifics at all, but if it's unavoidable, they would rather be referred to with more feminine honorifics. Other terms that aren't honorifics they don't really care about, unless they're used maliciously/mockingly
After losing their parents in a freak accident, Riley becomes an orphan.They becomes friends with two girls at the orphanage, losing both for different reasons. After the orphanage burns down, Riley is left homeless for a few years. They're found by a man, who offers to act as their father if they'll help him with some certain jobs. Riley agrees, and become locked into this relationship, doing more crimes for their 'father' while unable to escape. Later Nova makes an equally nice sounding deal, and Riley agrees again, thinking this was the real deal.
Riley was born in a very poor area of the city, having not a lot to start with in life besides their parents who did their very best. Riley can't remember their early childhood super well, but they remember their parents being kind people, always trying their hardest to care for Riley, even through them being a rowdy and angry child in elementary school, their parents would do their best to set Riley on a better path than they'd started with. At age 8 however, their parents were suddenly killed in a freak accident, no one knew how to describe what happened, not even Riley who'd witnessed it. It just didn't sound real, it could only be described as monsters that were there and gone before anyone could register what happened, leaving their parents suddenly dead in the middle of the street as though it'd simply sucked their life out of them. Riley would try to live on their own in their parent's home still, eating the food still left and later stealing food, as they didnt know how to cook yet or what ingredients theyd even need, if they even had money that is. Having to move around more eventually when people came knocking at the home, and then being briefly homeless, before being found and scooped up by an orphanage at age 10.
The orphanage didn't seem too bad for the first week or so, but things would change quickly, apparently it was normal for the staff to suddenly be more 'proper' for a bit after a new child arrived, at least, according to some of the older kids there. Riley's combatitive attitude from school did not stop here, continuing to start fights with those who couldn't really fight back in order to release frustration. They'd eventually meet Mary, intending to be rude to them too, but when the girl's friend immediately shut Riley down with a strong kick, the group ended up simply talking instead afterward, the situation somehow ending with the three of them being friends. Riley and Mary would still argue a lot, but their other friend would usually snap them out of it, and besides that, the two got along well and would often talk to eachother about whatever they were thinking about. 3 years later though, when Riley was almost 13, their mutual friend would get adopted, and the remaining two lost contact with her. Mary and Riley would argue more without their friend to intervene, but continued to be friends still, or at least tried to. Another year later Riley would finally get a good look at how the other bullies there would treat Mary, themselves having managed to mostly avoid the bullies ire. They told Mary that they would protect her from now on, and did for a little bit, until the bullying began to target Riley even when Mary wasn't around, and Riley caved to avoid the bullying, joining in with them instead of being against them. But they would have to 'prove themself', and so was often made the main person to bully Mary now, and eventually started doing it without being told to. Eventually Riley would pull out the last straw, one of the other kids whispering to them to tear up Mary's 'stupid doll', and despite Riley being aware of how important it was to Mary, caved once again, ripping it from her arms and tearing the poor thing up in front of her. Mary would get furious of course, and lunged at Riley, the two beating eachother up until the staff finally decided to intervene, punishing them both and taking the pieces of the doll away to toss in the garbage. Riley would feel terrible afterward, but it was a bit late for that now. The next day they would go behind the building and look at the garbage bins, finding the pieces of the torn doll, which were miraculously tossed haphazardly toward the bins, and not in them, the doll having fallen behind the garbage instead of in it, being discovered just as Riley was about to give up. They wanted to fix it before trying to give it back, and it was hard to get ahold of thread and needle there. It'd probably have been better to wait awhile either way still. So they stuffed the doll parts into their pockets, and kept them there since, their cargo pants baggy enough to hold them without obviously showing something was in their pockets.
Before they could ever get the chance to fix it though, Riley was awoken to a fire and screaming about a year later. The failure to upkeep the smoke detector and sprinklers maintained being the building's downfall. Being deep in the building, Riley was the last person the fire reached, the others supposedly dead or in the midst of dying, if the screaming and moments of sudden silence were anything to speak for. Riley could see a path out, not free of fire, but not raging enough to entirely block the path, if someone were willing to take the pain. Riley was willing to do so, they were not going to die in this awful place. They ran through the flames where it seemed possible to, and succeeded, but not unscathed. Despite their attempts to put the fire on them out, the flames still managed to severely burn parts of their body, mostly on their upper left torso. By this point as a 15-almost 16 year old, and the lack of care the orphanage staff ever gave, Riley had some semblance of medical first aid, and managed to keep the burned wounds from getting infected, but without a hospital, they still didn't heal as well as they could have, looking gnarled and causing pain in that arm at times. Riley refused to end up put in another orphanage, and with more independence than they had as a young child, went back to living on the street and stealing to survive. There was a flaw though, with them having never shown up again, and the rest of the orphanage being dead, without survivors, Riley was presumed dead too. There was no evidence they still existed anymore, legally dead and homeless, it would be extremely difficult for Riley to return to normal life.
A year later there would be a glimmer of hope though, one day found by a man who caught them trying to steal from his business, and Riley wanting to avoid jail time, panickedly explained their situation, how sorry they were, they'd never do it again, and gave back the stolen goods. The man was silent for awhile, but then gave them a deal, he would act as their father, Riley was still 17, he could help get them legal documentation again, but in exchange he needed Riley to help him with a few things. This seemed too good to be true, but Riley agreed. They were right unfortunately, Riley never recieved that documentation, and instead got lumped into doing their new adopted father's dirty work, mostly spying and relaying sensitive information, a personal private detective, and at times, stealing or 'sending a message'. Without a real route of escape, this was clearly a man that was a bad idea to run from, and even if they did, where would they go? Legally dead, a grown adult with no documentation at all, and a man who would surely pin them onto multiple crimes the second he could figure out how to do so without doing any time himself. What choice did Riley have but to continue along with it? At least they had a home.
Besides the crime, Harrison wasn't exactly the WORST father, but certainly not a good one either. He had no care for what Riley did with their life as long as it didn't jeopardize what they were doing, and in general had no care at all for Riley if nothing was messed with. It was like a vaguely less horrific version of the orphanage, no one who cared, but at least no one screaming or hitting either, not at home that is. Riley could do anything, as long as they obeyed and didn't run away. Their father didn't even really care when Riley would come out as agender, or their smoking habit, or anything else. Despite their dislike of Harrison, they would choose to keep his last nime; 'Wild', liking the sound of it and also feeling as thought they'd failed their parents. It would be better to try and redeem the Wild family name than to tarnish their parent's name.
Riley would meet a girl eventually a few years later while spying for their father, and the two would chat for awhile, before becoming friends and eventually deciding to date. Riley took this girl, Meredith, home one night, and Meredith seemed more focused on their father than them, but Riley would shrug it off. This would continue, until eventually she would suddenly dump Riley, saying she'd gotten what she wanted and the relationship was simply unecessary now. They'd simply been a stepping stone in this woman trying to get in leagues with powerful people in the city, and Harrison had seemed like a good leaping point. Riley was left shattered, but with no one around to care.
CurrentThis situation with their father would continue this way for the next 16 years since being adopted by him, until Riley was 33, and they were approached by Nova. Nova offered a very similar opportunity to Riley, she would /actually/ get them documentation, if Riley could give her info on their father Harrison and every secret about others that the two have gathered. Riley figured she might be lying too, but it wasn't like that'd be any different than before, just reporting to another person now. They agreed, and if something went wrong with Harrison, then, well, at least Nova would probably continue to find work for Riley to keep up. Or maybe she'd just finally put them out of their misery. And so Riley became a double agent, spying both for their father and on him, as well as whatever Nova requested. At least she actually paid Riley, enough to sort of live normally, at least the illusion of normality.
While working for Nova, about a year later Riley would meet Agaria at FELIS SUPERNOVAE, the club Nova ran. Riley had had a few failed relationships between falling out with Meredith and meeting Agaria, but this time it seemed real. Agaria genuinely wanted to know Riley for themself, but wouldn't let them sit and wallow in their own misery either. Riley would never tell her the actual details of their job, or their current circumstances, always finding explanations around it if not just avoiding situations where it could become relevant. Things were going really well, until a few months after Riley's 36th birthday, Agaria had always wanted to be an actress, and while the city they lived in was great for 'making it big', it wasn't a place for actors to do that, and she'd finally gotten a part, but had to move to take it. She tried to get Riley to come with her, but Riley couldn't, for a multitude of reasons that they couldn't say. Agaria accepted this, and promised to keep in touch at least, and she did for awhile, but then after a phone number change, the two lost contact with eachother and Riley hasn't heard back since.
Now at age 37, Riley is still trapped in this cycle, although their dad seems to finally be catching onto something being wrong, and has stopped sending Riley on jobs. It's only a matter of time there until he realizes the disappearance of these issues corresponds with Riley being off the job. Riley has still never recieved any documentation help from Nova, and expects they never will, not until she's finally worn them out of usefulness, but at least she's continued to give jobs and pay Riley. The jobs have been getting weirder lately though, and now certain days are suddenly off limits for them to visit the club? Riley is used to spying, listening in on Nova sometimes when they can now, but nothing said seems to make anything clearer, other than apparently someone else who seems to know them has been working for Nova at a more frequent rate. Who it could possibly be though is a mystery still.
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

The one person who ever actually managed to make progress with Riley, Aria could both see past their spiky outside and reach out, but also would not take any shit from them either. Aria was responsible for a lot of Riley's more tangible growth, with them wanting to be a better person for Aria. She was the first person where Riley truly thought they could be a family together one day. Aria helped them calm down a little, helped them through various identity issues, got them into their passion for fashion, and more. While the two tried to keep contact for awhile when Aria had to leave and Riley could not come with, eventually Aria had changed phone numbers, and Riley lost contact with her. Whether she forgot to tell them the new number, or whether it was on purpose, Riley doesn't know, and tries not to think about it. It only makes them sad.
Once extremely close, finding companionship with eachother at the same terrible orphanage, Riley ended up tossing it away out of a misguided survival instinct. When Mary would get bullied, Riley would eventually begin standing up for her, until the bullying began to target Riley as well, and being unable to handle the pressure, they folded and betrayed Mary, joining in with the other bullies and soaking in their approval. This kept up until eventually Riley tipped Mary over the boiling point, ripping up her doll and ending up in a physical fight when Mary lunged at them for it. A year later the orphanage would go up in flames. Riley has no knowledge that Mary was the one behind the fire, and never had any reason to think that would be the case, Mary was...quirky, but surely not that crazy. Riley would never hear from or about Mary ever again, and they assume that she is dead. But Nova sure has been saying some strangely familiar things to Riley recently..

Yeah. Sure Harrison is technically Riley's adoptive father. But only in the loosest sense possible. It isn't even a legal adoption, there's no papers about it, and he's certainly no father figure. He's definitely tried to act in some warped mockery of being 'fatherly', but it's never felt genuine, he couldn't care less what Riley said or did as long as they behaved when it was time to. This was a transactional relationship, Riley got shelter, and the ability to have a..somewhat normal life. In return was only one simple thing of course: Do whatever he says, regardless of the legality of the requests being made. Corporate spying, theft, setting up 'accidents'. A perfect pawn with no paper trail leading to anyone or anything. The only reason Riley even uses the same last name is because they liked the sound of 'Riley Wild', and the bad memories of Harrison don't hurt as bad as thinking about their real parents, believing their real parents would be disappointed in who they've become. Riley could at least redeem the 'wild' name, instead of feeling as though they've tarnished their real family name.
A relationship that didn't last long, a girl they met while working for their 'father' Harrison. The two seemed to hit it off well rather fast, she knew just what to say all the time, always exactly what Riley wanted to hear. Of course this should've been too good to be true, but Riley, sinking in loneliness at the time, couldn't see the signs. In the end, it turned out she was only using Riley's connection to Harrison as the first stepping stone to get in leagues with more powerful people. Riley ended up with a bad habit of heavily researching people who ever seemed slightly off for awhile after that, and still sometimes do to this day.

While Riley still technically works for their 'dad', when approached by Nova to reveal any secrets they may discover, Riley reluctantly accepted. Nova's promised to help Riley get proper legal documents in the city in exchange for this help in sabotaging Harrison's 'business'. It seemed like a chance at actual freedom at first, but instead it seems neverending. Riley's not sure how they feel about Nova, but it's certainly not positively. It isn't like they can quit now, Nova could ruin them, easily, Riley is extremely aware of how much influence Nova has, and how they themselves don't even exist in the eyes of the law. It's at least better than being around their 'father' 24/7, even if that's a low bar. There's a chance it'll eventually end. So they'll put up with sharing secrets, and every other spy job Nova's decided to send them on when possible. They'll either be free, or they'll die in the process. Riley sees no negative outcome here. Though what Nova doesn't know is that they've now contracted someone extremely perceptive, and given the right circumstances, could reveal things that would damage her as well.
Riley hasn't seen Layla at all ever since she got adopted. Riley was never quite as close to Layla as Mary was, but Layla was such a kind and charismatic kid, it was hard not to wanna hang around her when the other options were (rightfully) angry children, and horrible adults. But despite not being as close to her, everything still fell apart after she left. Riley's more glad she got adopted though, she didn't have to face what happened to the orphanage. Riley hopes she got to have a normal life, because fuck, Riley sure didn't.