An infamous name across multiple galaxies, Samiel is usually better known as various nicknames across the galaxy, but most commonly as "Mitternacht Freischütze" or, on Earth where he hails from; "Der Freischütz". Once human, Samiel was a very prolific hunter. After a deal with the devil that eventually led to him believing he had to kill his loved ones to spare them, including his wife, he isolated himself for a very long time. Over the years he began to transform into how he looks now, and considers himself a demon. With nothing left, he chose to embrace that role. He travels across galaxies doing whatever he pleases, in some places he's a hero, in others he's a name only whispered out of fear. After leaving his ship in the wrong place at the wrong time, he eventually returns to find that a group of 3 strange people have made themselves at home. After a long period of irritation, he eventually relents and allows them to stay in the ship with him, given they don't 'do anything stupid' and continue to be useful.

Height: | 8'0" | Eyes: | White, No pupils |
Build: | Lean muscle | Complexion: | Jet black |
Hair Style: | None | Fur Color: | Jet black |
- Gun reference can be seen on this sheet
- Under his hat are two small ears shaped like upside-down triangles. Under his jackets he has a small rabbit-like tail.
- No neck, his head floats. It can be taken away from his body, but it typically just zips back into place like a very strong magnet if it's not stuck or actively being held by someone
- Mouth is almost always invisible unless it's open. Rarely it can be seen, but he normally only emotes with his eyes
- His boots are essentially fused to his feet and he cannot take them off. He can change pants, but the shadows will always creep up and be visible if the pants fall anywhere below his calves.
- His portals look similar to that of the Lobotomy Corp character he was inspired by. But much brighter and emit more light/appear a little more solid rather than just lines [REF HERE]
Samiel is extremely shut off from others. He's very good at controlling his emotions, and typically uses this skill to completely cut himself off emotionally from other people. He tries to view everything from a "logical" standpoint. This isn't to say emotions don't get in the way of his descision making, they absolutely still do. But typically those emotions that influence him are of anger, annoyance, or selfishness. He is blunt, rude, and quick to get violent.
He has very little care for what happens to those around him as long as his own goal or job isn't affected by it. He is not incapable of being kind, but it too is often out of some ulterior motive unless he is simply in a good mood that day. The only thing he truly allows himself to care about anymore is the isolated unknown planet that he's chosen to make his home on. It is the only place he allows himself to feel, but even then only a little.
Most of his energy is directed toward keeping himself entertained somehow, usually through hunting of all forms. He has always enjoyed hunting animals, but as a 'demon' he has taken a liking to the thrill of "hunting" sapient creatures as well, which led him into becoming a galaxy-wide hitman. He enjoys taking on the harder jobs, which often leads him to taking out other well known outlaws or extremely significant political figures despite his complete lack of interest in politics whatsoever. He has no interest in justice, or even the money really (it's just handy to have plenty of extra money to repair/modify his ship), he's just in it for a challenge.
When he does care about someone, he is very silent about it. It practically only rears it's head in the form of being more protective of the person and keeping them out of danger or handling things for them. But he still tends to speak and treat them exactly the same as he did before otherwise.
- Venison
- Hunting
- Sex
- Smoking
- Woodworking
- Being open
- Most candy
- Gods
- Politics
- People
- Cold
- Violent
- Stubborn
- Observant
- Perfectionist
- No voice claim yet. German accent, deepish voice that's a little raspy (may change).
- Inspired by the Lobotomy Corporation character 'Der Freischütz' as well as the german play of the same name (more loosely).
- In his canon, the german play that he shares a nickname with is completely unrelated to him. He was simply inspired by its surprising similarity to himself and adopted the 'Freischütz' nickname. Partially influenced by those who were afraid of him during the time period already calling him by that as well.
- His perfect aim is innate thanks to the devil deal, but being a perfectionist he's learned how to manipulate portal magic in depth to further assist his shots, since his aim is only a guaranteed hit overall, not a guaranteed hit exactly where he wants it to be, sometimes the hit will simply be a limb. This makes it not exactly perfect, but with his portal skills it becomes near perfect.
- His skill with these portals is extensive, and he can summon them across extremely large distances, as long as he can visualize the exact location he wants them to go. While he originally learned to assist his shots, he also frequently uses them to travel in place of his ship. His ship is mainly used as a hub or to travel to locations he hasn't been to yet. This means it's frequently left behind on random planets until he eventually teleports back to it. If he finds intruders they're normally scared off or shot. Mary, Puss, and Hale-bopp simply happened to catch him in a better mood when he found them and he allowed them to stay.
- He does not keep anything personal that he truly cares about inside his ship because of his habit to leave it abandoned for long periods of time. Anything he cares about is kept inside a small log cabin that he lives in on an isolated planet with no people that only he is aware of (as far as he knows). He is very protective of this planet and the wildlife on it. He will not allow anyone to hunt or harm the wildlife there other than himself, and even he is very particular about making sure he does not ever hunt anything without reason to. Other planets are fair game to him to hunt things for sport, but this planet is special.
- His gun follows the same rules as his game/play counterparts. Every 7th bullet is out of his control and will hit a random target near him. Those he has an emotional connection with are often at a slightly higher risk of becoming the random target. He attempts to remedy this by never allowing himself to care for others + shooting the 7th bullet on isolated planets that are either barren or have nothing but non-sapient creatures. He keeps very careful track of his bullets.
- Was more attracted to women when he was still human, over time has leaned more toward a masculine preference.
- Known for being one of the few hitmen that will take nearly any job and very rarely fail. He accepts both money and favors as payment, and he has no qualms with harming women or children, but he does demand extremely high prices or a favor that he deems of equal value to harm or kill a child. He takes all of these favors very seriously, and often tends to either kill or severely injure those who cannot keep up their end of the deal, leading many to compare his jobs as 'deals with the devil' as well. He is very cruel about the favor rule if it involves a child. If he kills a child for a job and the other party refuses or cannot keep up their end of the deal, Samiel finds a way to make sure they suffer in return.
Born on Earth during the 1750s in what would later become modern Germany, Samiel lived fairly normally with his wife and made a living off being an extremely skilled hunter. Eventually word of his skills began to spread, temporarily blinded by the promise of fame, he made a deal with the devil to improve his skill even further. When only told afterward that his 7th bullets would kill those he loved, he elected to kill them all himself first in their sleep to spare them. He has since travelled completely alone throughout the galaxy.
Samiel was born on earth around the 1750s in what would later become modern Germany. His early life was rather normal, there was some familial issues, but it was overall peaceful. His father was a hunter, and Samiel took an interest as well, following in his footsteps. His father was well known for his skill, and Samiel made it a mission for himself to try and become even better than he was. This led to a perfectionist streak, which would eventually bleed into other parts of his life as well. He met his wife rather early in life, the two simply happening to chat as Samiel was selling his and his father's catches, hitting it off right away and quickly growing closer. Things went great for the two for a long time, getting married even discussing the idea of children. The peace was cut short however, when news came of the death of Samiel's father. While he'd never stopped his passion with hunting, it was kicked back into full gear, having never gotten to 'prove himself' and becoming lost within the goal again, only this time aiming to be the best hunter on the planet.
His obsession pushed a wedge between him and everyone around him, even his wife. Despite how much he truly loved her, it was not enough to overpower the ambition that consumed him. Eventually on a hunt in the woods one day, he was approached by a strange person, who said nothing but a greeting and challenged Samiel to a hunting competition. At first, Samiel declined, he preferred to hunt in peace. The stranger pulled out their own gun, well crafted and fanciful, and presented it in their hands to him, sweetening the deal by offering to give him the gun if he won. Samiel was suspicious, but he knew a good gun when he saw one, and this gun was a catch of its own. He shook hands with the stranger and agreed, setting the terms with eachother and beginning. The competition lasted the rest of the day, and in the end, it appeared that Samiel had indeed won. The stranger was very evidently shocked, but still kept their word and handed over the gun. Samiel went to examine his prize, and by the time he looked up, the stranger was gone. He went on to start using the gun the next day, having a fantastic streak, managing perfect aim each try. after the 6th shot, the stranger suddenly appeared again, shocking Samiel, but spoke without acknowledging anything strange about the situation. They asked how he was enjoying his prize, and then giving him the warning about each 7th bullet, that being, every 7th bullet will do it's damnedest to strike someone he loves. Samiel doesn't believe them. The stranger simply flashes a smile and asks if he'd like to risk it, then disappeared again. Samiel had always been a superstitious man, and it didn't take much for him to believe he had accidentally made a deal with the devil. Whether it was true or not. He did not use that gun for awhile, but one day trekked out as far out from home as feasibly as possible with the gun in hand, and called out to see if the supposed devil would appear again. They did, eventually, and he asked if the 7th bullet could hit from here. The stranger hesitated, but then answered honestly that the chances were not impossible, but very low. Samiel chose to challenge them this time, claiming he knew what they were, and wanted to rematch, with them really trying this time. His pride was involved now, and the idea of TRULY defeating the devil at his own game would be the sign that this gun is truly the ticket to his goal, to be the actual best, and he would accept the consequences that came of it. He'd been completely blinded to everything else by now. They accepted, and the two competed again, Samuel with the gun he won, and the stranger with a new near exact gun. Both with the same strange ability to always hit, Samiel's with the disadvantage that every 7th bullet went haywire, typically into a tree. At the end, Samiel still managed to win once more, and the last piece of his humanity died that day, there was nothing left to aim for, and his emotional and physical distance had ruined all those relationships around him. There was nothing else but to continue being the best hunter on the planet, and in a drunken state one night, he decided that to kill the people he cared about now would be better than for them to have their life cut short at a potentially terrible time. He believed if he did it himself, while they slept, they would get to be at peace. It was like putting down a dog to him by then, believing their quality of life would be best if it ended now. With great hesitation each time, he shot his wife and his mother in their homes as they slept, being the only two people he truly cared about at all by now. Lost again after doing so, he began to wander and show off his hunting prowess to any that would allow him to.
Over the years, his attachment to the gun and his 'position' in the world would change him, but mentally and physically. By the time he was 60, he looked far more beast-like than human, his face resembling a jackal or coyote, pitch black fur covering the rest of him, and small antlers beginning to grow on his head. As he became less human, interacting with humans became less viable, all being scared of him. He kept to himself for a few decades, slowly coming to assume that he may not age like a human anymore, and boredom overtook him. He had nothing anymore, he'd hunted so many things already, and the negative aspects of himself that he always had were far more prevalent than they once were. And he decided that it could be interesting to try hunting people. Working through underground markets, he offered services as a hired killer whilst showing his face as little as possible, very secretive. He started to become well known for this as well, and it only led him further down the hole. He still loved a good regular hunt, but people were a challenge, he could likely get away with shooting them publicly and then disappearing, but he liked to make restrictions for himself. Not being seen, shooting from a specific location, having to get into their heads and think about the best course of action. He would think as though his gun could still miss, finding that he still wanted to hone his skills and not fully rely on just the gun. sure, it would always hit, but it didn't always hit where he wanted, and he wanted to make it even more accurate. All he had now was to be the perfect marksman.
Centuries later, space travel to other planets was finally invented, and rapidly improved the following decades as earth eventually made contact with another space travelling planet. Samiel took quick interest in this, and managed to sneak his way aboard a ship as soon as he could. He continued his usual behaviors at this point, but space travel had become a hobby for him, both out of genuine fascination with the variety of beauty across the galaxy, but also because it meant his goal would be raised. Earth was no longer the only place where he wanted to be the best, he wanted to be able to outgun anyone on any planet he went to. And it turned out there was lots of places looking for the sort of work he did when it came to intergalactic relations. Doing these jobs led him to raise a lot of money, most of which he didn't care for, he wasn't much of a man for extravagant displays of wealth, but he did make one exception, to buy a very fancy custom ship for himself, allowing him to travel to new places easier. Upon learning further about other things throughout the galaxies, he also picked up portal making, using them to assist his shots at first, and then later honing them further to expand how long they could go. eventually he learned the techniques to go any place that he could visualize, regardless of how far it was. This led him into a photography habit too, to ensure he could remember locations properly. He'd already liked photos back when he was alive, though, at the time back then it had been paintings, using his abilities to capture a scene in his mind into words to recreate the moment, trying to keep it true to the moment with minimal exaggeration. Now with photography he could do exactly that, as well as have an assist to his memory when needed.
He continued on with everything he'd done before, his range across galaxies now widened. Throughout the past centuries, he'd isolated himself so thoroughly from social connection that many of his days that did not involve his 'hunts' simply consisted of being alone on his ship. Eventually, he discovers an isolated planet, though, in technicality it was more of a moon, it orbited a true, very large planet, but that technicality did not matter to him, he views it as a planet. It was able to support life, though nothing sapient, the forest were lush, many being hues of purples, pinks, and oranges, the water crystal clear. It was the one thing he could allow himself to fall in love with again, not being a person, it escaped the devil's deal, even if it hadn't, he could not kill a moon with a single bullet. He stayed there alone for about a decade, hunting not for the thrill of the game, but simply for food, despite not needing to eat, it still felt right to have a normal meal every now and then, a remnant of being human. He decided this place would be his new home, his one place of peace, and built himself a log cabin there. He eventually would leave and continue his hired killing and his own personally curated 'hunts'. But he would frequent back to the planet now, finding it the one place he could relax. He considers himself the guardian of the planet, and while having never had any sign or experience to give him reason to do so, decided that if anyone else found the place, they would have to be 'removed of'. The idea of other planets or galaxies finding and ruining the place caused him grief, something he hadn't allowed himself to feel in a very long time. Living a somewhat regular life again, even if still isolated, began to open up his feelings just a tad more again. Not enough to change him drastically, his behavior on other planets continued, but he would speak to people around him a little more often, even if they were often brief and cold conversations. He continued to drive most people away, but those somewhat like-minded to him would at least consider him an acquaintance, giving him some connections in other places. The same went for many of the more powerful people he had done jobs for.
CurrentAfter all this time, Samiel has still not changed much. He is slightly more at peace with himself, his goal of being 'the best hunter in the universe' has simmered into more of a passive ideal. The frequency of jobs and hunts he takes hasn't changed much, but he allows himself to wind down with new things, having become a little more hedonistic. It conflicts in him though, chasing pleasures that he does not allow himself to emotionally engage with. After a particularly difficult job that lasted a few months, he returned to his ship only to find it was not on the planet he left it, but currently in space. Thieves were not a surprise to him, but finding a single blonde woman and two talking cats arguing within the cockpit was a new one. Most intruders upon his ship he would scare off or shoo, and these 3 were no exception. He got their attention by cocking his gun, the black cat looking scared shitless, but the woman and pink cat arguing. They refused to leave the ship, and somehow, by the end of it, managed to convince Samiel to let them stay. The terms were temporary to start with, and he's not even entirely sure why he agreed. Perhaps it was simply the good mood of finally finishing his most recent challenge still in effect, and maybe, though he'd never say so, he simply finally decided he wanted some company. He could see some of himself in the girl, the fact she herself had a large gun on hand only adding to it. He's still very cold and detached from them, his centuries long mindset wouldn't budge so easily, but he finds their presence on the ship is tolerable, and they're useful to have around. It at least leads to interesting places, that's for sure.
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

Samiel would normally have no opinion on someone like Puss, but the fact he is often the target of the cats morality rants makes him very irritating. Not to mention how much the stupid creature talks about politics whenever he gets a chance.
He kind of hates this guy honestly. But he's willing to tolerate his presence because he's extremely useful on jobs, incredibly smart, and he can appreciate the cat's variety of skills and talents. He just wishes he would learn when to shut the fuck up.

He has no strong opinions on Mary. He finds her useful to have around, she's funny sometimes (when he isn't the target of the jokes that is), and she's surprisingly good at keeping everyone else in line. They butt heads sometimes over leadership, but he's more willing to give control to her since she's proven herself capable. Just as long as he gets a say in what happens.
He doesn't really know much about the guy. He's annoying sometimes, and has a tendency to come over begging for a hit of whatever Samiel is smoking at the time, but Samiel doesn't really mind that too much. The two usually smoke in the cargo bay of the ship in silence. They've had some talks, but he isn't particularly keen on wanting to know Roberto personally in any form beyond some curiosity.

Winter gives him the same vibes as a little animal. That's probably the closest to a positive emotion he'd allow himself to feel toward another person these days. She's like a sad little puppy in his eyes. He doesn't actively care about her at all, but he's a bit gentler around her.