Coin lives up to their chosen nickname, mostly handling the financial side of Nova's businesses. Having grown up rich, Coin was both in college for business as well as trying to become a doctor. They succeeded at becoming a doctor, having worked there for some time, known mostly for being a 'miracle doctor', in reality they're just very good at research, and open to new things. If they'd heard about treatments that were uncommon but proven effective, they would frequently suggest using them, catching things other doctors would miss. This attention to detail and openness has always been a skill of theirs, and it continued to assist them when they would eventually return to trying their hand at business.
Being a doctor was eventually getting boring, as much as they enjoyed the recognition of their skills, having a stuffy regular life never worked for them much. They quit being a doctor on a whim, living mostly off their savings and some assistance from their family, Coin decided to get really into fashion instead, and while doing so met Nova. The two clicked together quickly, encouraging eachothers hedonism, and eventually Nova pitched the club idea, an innocent club at first at least.
Like Nova and Maggot, Coin also only really cares for the spotlight and having fun, Coin leans more toward wanting to be in the spotlight though, or at least tangentially in the spotlight, through the clothes they design for others, both on models and custom orders. They're also typically quiet, but once they do start actually talking? They will not shut up.
Being responsible for the financial side of things, Coin is often the one writing the deals alongside Nova. Coin has nearly as many connections as Nova, though their connections are more on the business and legal side of things, keeping up good PR for the club as well as quickly handling any possible legal issues.

Height: | 4'9" | Eyes: | Yellow |
Build: | Average | Skin: | Pink |
Hair Style: | Curly | Fur Color: | Calico |
- Almost always wearing a different outfit they've made themselves. Very rarely do they ever wear one twice, usually wearing them once and then selling them off. They do have a few outfits they'll occasionally reuse though, usually if they especially like it or have some sort of emotional attachment to it. Two examples being their iconic outfit (in the ref sheet) as well as an outfit they created out of their old doctor lab coat.
- The little heart on their cheek is in fact an actual marking on their fur, it's always there. it can't be removed without dyeing/bleaching it away. Not that they would ever do that.
- Tail is bobbed in a similar way to a japanese bobtail. It's short and slightly kinked.
Compared to their partner Nova, Coin is much more laid back, but that's not to say they aren't still a party enthusiast. After years of doing so, Coin can't handle having a 'boring' regular life, and much prefers getting to do something new every single day. They especially love expressing this through fashion, making clothes for themself as well as their two romantic partners; Nova and Maggot. Coin has a few outfits that they like wearing a bit more often, but besides those few, it's always something new everyday.
Like their partner Nova, Coin is very good at spotting details, though Coin's skill is in physical matters, rather than the emotional. While Nova can read people's emotions absurdly well, Coin can't, and instead is better at noticing things on the surface, like a change in how someone walks, or coughing more often. This isn't to say Coin is bad at reading emotion, having been an excellent doctor in the past, speaking with patients was an important part of that, and having to figure out things they might be too embarrassed to share came as part of their duties there. But it can still be difficult for them, usually opting to try and convince people to speak to them rather than trying their hand at guessing. Being a rather open person themself helps with this, Coin doesn't have a whole lot to hide when it comes to their personal life, and is willing to share things about themself in a way that eases others to do the same in return.
Overall though, Coin is usually a quiet person. Usually. They don't like to start up lots of conversation, preferring to listen, but when they /do/ start talking, it can be hard to get them to stop, since they'll usually only start talking past single sentences once very interested in something. Enjoying listening makes them interested in occasionally working the bar at the trio's club, despite being more of a financial manager for the place. Oh the stories people will tell when drunk out their minds!
While Coin shares the same interest in hedonistic behavior as Nova, it's to a much lower level, their real fun coming more from being in the spotlight. They loved being well known as a doctor, and they love being well known for their fashion now (and sometimes, during a good month, their singing as well). They make clothes for themself as well as taking custom orders on the side of running the club, and sometimes holding fashion shows at the club itself. Being used to long doctor's hours has led them to find good ways to balance serious work and hobbies, and they take full advantage of all of their time.
Unlike Nova, Coin doesn't really care for trying to make everything go their way. It would be nice, but Coin likes the feeling of earning their achievements, rather than being able to simply buy them into existence (though....having all that money certainly helps). They don't feel the urge to try and force people to like them, as much as they enjoy the spotlight, they won't change themself just to get more people on their side, they never have before, they won't start now. Everything they do is because they enjoy doing it, and they have no hesitation telling people if they're annoyed or want them to knock something off.
Coin has always wanted to help people, though being rather rich for their whole life has made them very out of touch. Coin believes that it doesn't matter how much money you have, if you can manage to get out and have a fun life, then you can have a happy life. Because of this, Coin usually thinks in short term or quick solutions when it comes to people, rather than long term or thought out plans. Being a doctor was somewhat of an exception, but mainly because medicine takes time to kick in, and needs to be upkept to stay healthy. But they aren't the type to donate to charities, or speak out politically, and they're definitely not the person you'd want trying to play therapist for you. When they attempt to help someone emotionally, often the best they can do is to either simply listen, or try and distract them with something more fun, like drinking, dancing, or encouraging them to try hooking up with someone. They were an excellent diagnostician, not an excellent therapist. In fact they're often pretty terrible at recognizing when someone is uncomfortable in a social situation.
Also in contrast to their partner Nova, Coin has much more of a moral code. Nova doesn't care what happens to most people, but Coin does. While they're not the best at helping emotionally, they still don't like to see people hurting, whether that's emotional hurt or physical hurt. They might be out of touch with most people's emotional problems, or their actual access to getting help, but Coin will still try to guide them. At the least, if it's something physical, they can certainly help with that. They don't work in the medical field anymore, but they keep up with renewing their license and staying up to date on things so that, should they choose to, they can call people's doctors to give suggestions with credibility. They could probably get away with doing this even without renewing their license, given how well known they once were in the field, but having the license is helpful for other reasons, mainly so they can still practice medicine without legal issues on Lynxon if a situation arises where they feel they must help personally.
Coin is also, frankly, a savant. They're incredible at picking up new skills when they choose to, and excellent at retaining those skills and information. They're not immune to sometimes forgetting things, but it's very rare when it comes to something they're passionate about. The best example being their interest in medicine. Coin can spout so many different facts about illnesses and bodily functions for nearly every species that someone would be likely to meet on Lynxon. This skill was why they chose to become a diagnostician before the club's creation. They could have frankly chose any specialty, but diagnosing people was more interesting to them, especially given how often they noticed other doctors missing things that seemed incredibly obvious to them. Coin's had their fair share of calling up people's former doctors and calling them complete idiots for missing something so clear, or for dismissing patient's concerns. While Coin's focus nowadays is on the club, they still keep up on this interest in medicine, they love medicine very very much, they just hate how boring their life used to be.
- Nova/Maggot
- Medicine
- Honey
- Fashion
- Singing
- Boredom
- Repetitiveness
- Incompetence
- Beer
- Mary
- Savant
- Fashionista
- Curious
- Ambitious
- Blunt
- Nova, Coin, and Maggot have an open relationship. Hooking up with others, either alone or as a group, is rather common.
- When it came to them being a doctor, they were sort of like Dr. House from House MD. Just, less of the snarky responses and provoking people. Coin was more empathetic and interactive with their patients. Still more of a quiet person overall, but tried to engage with them. Though they still share a similar belief that most people will lie about anything, either directly or by omission.
- Intersex
Coin grew up in a family of wealthy doctors, and they very much shared this interest with the rest of them. Coin picked up on it very quickly, managing to become a doctor themself fairly quicker than most, and quickly became well known for their skill in correctly diagnosing people. Eventually though, while they still loved medicine, living as a doctor was getting boring, and they quit. Getting into fashion, eventually meeting and beginning to date Nova, and later starting a club with her with the business skills they also picked up in college.
Coin was born into money. Originally going by their real name 'Nicholas' for most of their life, almost their whole family was in the medical field in some form, either physical medicine or psychology. The same path was encouraged toward them, and luckily, Coin did have genuine interest in it as well. They loved to hear about what their parents got up to at work, often asking for them to try and explain in more detail, and would similarly try to ask their science teachers to explain more advanced concepts as well. Coin was a very smart kid early on, and would continue to stay that way, often in advanced classes from the moment the school's would begin offering them. They could have easily skipped a grade and graduated early from high school, but specifically asked not to because they enjoyed learning so much. Though they'd get a bit quieter over time, their curiosity never left, they'd simply just stopped asking questions in school, opting instead to write things down and then extensively look into it on their own later.
This behavior didn't change much in college either, starting as soon as they graduated high school, Coin would immediately be accepted into a very sought after college, beginning their next step in education mostly in medical related classes and its prerequisites, but also in business, in the case something didn't work out. It would though, managing to speed through these classes and advance faster than most through sheer will and their excellent memory and application of the topics being taught. Shaving what would normally be an 8 year education into 6 years. With their medical degree in hand, their parents money and impressive skill combined allowed them to start a residency at one of the best hospitals in the country, which happened to be in the city they already lived in. Their residency wasn't always the smoothest, mainly out of other doctor's there being frustrated that Coin already seemed smarter than most of their seniors, and they hadn't even gotten a proper medical license yet. But their insecurities around Coin wouldn't become too much of a roadblock, and Coin would receive their license as a diagnostician fairly quickly.
Coin would be hired by the same hospital they did their residency at, and would willingly do regular GP work alongside their diagnostician job they were actually hired for. Coin was still a rather quiet person like they'd been in high school and college, but would open up a bit more with patients in order to do their job better. They liked being able to help people, and stuck by this regardless if it might've benefit them more to 'be lazy' at times. They'd quickly become a very sought out doctor at the hospital, thanks to their impressive accuracy in figuring out what was wrong with people, and Coin loved this. They believed wholeheartedly that it was their duty to make sure people DID get better, or at the least, have accurate information on themselves to keep in mind. They've had their fair share of breaking their silent personality to berate other doctors for their lazy work when patients would talk about their experiences with other doctors, especially those at other hospitals. The city they lived in was a very popular place to live, but it was no secret that a lot of it's healthcare was subpar, especially terrible in it's treatment of mental health. A lot of Coin's patients would be people who were disregarded by other doctors out of negative bias for their mental health states, often not taking them seriously. Coin was definitely no expert at handling the mental, most of their skill was entirely in the physical, helping someone mentally was far beyond their reach, but they would listen still, and take patient's concerns seriously regardless if they might've been "lying" or not. Coin could cause some frustation for their superiors at times, always being extremely thorough and running tests when possible, and sometimes going behind other's backs to get these done. They'd get scolded often, but were usually given a pass, given the popularity they brought to the hospital.
This level of popularity around them grew quickly, but after around 7 years of working at the hospital, Coin was finally burning out. They still had immense passion for medicine, but everyday was feeling the exact same. They'd eventually stop doing casual GP work, using the extra time to instead start getting into fashion. It was something they'd always been a bit interested in, they'd made some of their own shirts and ties to wear at work, but now they were getting more serious about it, trying to make things a bit more 'out there'. About a year later, Coin would meet Nova at a bar, and the two hit it off very strongly, and would start dating after a few months. Nova was far more in the mindset of doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Coin found this admirable, seeing someone just as smart (even if it was a different type of smarts) having more control over their life and what they wanted to do with it. Nova was a model as well as her own manager, and Coin would begin making clothes for her to wear at her suggestions. The two would grow even closer through this, and Coin found their particular style for clothes, enjoying creating bright saturated fashion, especially with a sort of space theme to it all. Coin would also start to realize they were likely nonbinary around this time, and started going by they/them pronouns exclusively.
2 years after the two began dating, they'd decided to start up their own business. They'd entertained the idea of having their own club and bar before, often during visits to various locations in the city. They'd make elaborate plans of how they'd go about it for fun, but eventually Nova suggested doing it for real, and with Coin still remembering a lot from the business classes they'd taken in college, they decided to agree, and the two would buy a location thanks to the help of both of them having rich parents that were willing to invest (though Nova's moreso, Coin's parents were a little confused why they'd go this route, but still assisted) as well as further loans. Coin would officially quit their job after buying the location they'd planned to create this dream. They would slightly regret taking what they viewed as an incredibly selfish action after being a source of hope for so many patients, but the excitement of it all would overpower that feeling, deciding that this was as good of a way to help people as any. It wasn't like to had to stop renewing their license, they could still give plenty of people advice on where to go and what to say. And everyone needs fun in their lives to be happy too of course, this club would be a great way to spread more fun into the city. So FELIS SUPERNOVAE was born. After the creation of the club, Coin would finally decide to start going by the name 'Coin', having fun with a new name in the same way that Nova did.
It didn't take long for the club to already have a great start, the city was in desperate need of something new, just as Coin had thought, and while it was officially a club, the more it grew, the more variety of things to do there would be added. Within a few years, the club was also a casino, a concert hall, and a place for Nova and Coin to continue making clothes for her to model on stage. There was an investigation early on in the club's life, people being suspicious of how fast the place was growing and suspecting criminal financial activity, but there was none to be found. Coin had gotten as into researching handling finances as they had with medicine, and combined with Nova's excellent communication abilities with people, the two were simply able to utilize their profit and their own money as efficiently as possible. Prices on space travel between galaxies were also finally getting cheaper and cheaper, creating a boom of excitement both in space themed places, as well as richer tourists coming by to the club as well
As the club was getting bigger and more popular, Coin and Nova would eventually find someone unconcious behind their home. The two assumed it was simply someone drunk that accidentally passed out in their backyard, but Coin would quickly notice how wounded she was, and would bring her inside to help fix her up themself. The two would never find out what happened to her, when she finally woke back up, she couldn't remember a thing besides how old she was and the city she was in. Whatever had happened to her had severely scarred her leg, left a large scar on her torso, messed with her vocal chords, and evidently; fucked up her memory badly. This person they found decided to give herself a new name, beginning to call herself 'Maggot', after what she was told some of the more gruesome details of what happened to her leg. She liked the grimy vibe it gave off, and Coin and Nova found amusement in it too. She'd quickly grow close with the two of them as well, and eventually would join the two romantically, as well as joining it at working the club. Maggot wasn't dumb, but their lack of memory made them ill suited for the kind of work Nova and Coin usually did. But she had a knack for getting rowdy people under control whenever she hung around the club, and the two (mostly Nova) would help her hone that, eventually making her the new head of security.
The club would eventually start leveling out financially, making it harder both to expand and keep up the pace with everything else they were doing. But Maggot would have a burst in her memory, and suggested getting into some...less than legal activities in space. Specifically using Nova's wide connections with people to offer a service of connecting people who want someone gone with people who could get the job done. Nova accepted this pretty readily, Coin however was a bit more concerned with the idea. They would still go along without questioning it, as long as it was kept completely separate from the club itself, which Nova had already planned to do. It still didn't entirely sit right with them, but whatever helped keep the club going, Coin was willing to go along with. They stay mostly uninvolved with it all, only really partaking to handle the financial ends of it, like finding ways to launder the money without it being traceable to the club.
CurrentThe club's still going up to the modern day, and doing better than ever with this extra money from Maggot's plan. Coin feels a bit uncomfortable with it all still, but they've grown used to it by now, enough to push the feelings aside. Their passion is in the club and people having a good time there, and that's still been going plenty strong. They continue to stay mostly uninvolved with it all, keeping more focus on the club's actual patrons and upkeep rather than Nova's strange side gig.
One day, a familiar face from the news would start showing up frequently at the club's bar. Robin Sparrow, who'd been spoken about nearly everywhere for supposedly 'killing his wife in another country for her money' had kept showing up. This initially seemed like a PR disaster if he were to keep showing up here, but as Coin spoke to him, and got Nova's opinion as well, they concluded that Robin was definitely innocent, and if they could fix his reputation, even just a little, then he'd be someone who could also help the club financially. He clearly didn't want any of the money he'd suddenly inherited, and the club could sure use it. So Coin would start getting closer to him, and eventually advise him a lawyer that could help mitigate this disaster he was in. It didn't work perfectly, but it got Robin to be talked about far less, as long as he kept away from being in the public eye too much. While it was initially just a financial play, Coin did find themselves enjoying Robin's company. Nova had her strange fixation with an assassin she'd hired, and well, Coin had one too now with this strange sad little man that would frequent the bar. Robin's visits have gotten a bit spottier, both from troubles becoming a werecreature, something that he's only shared to Coin, and Coin takes great interest in that for many reasons. But also because apparently Robin's adopted a new son. Coin doesn't really mind though, and still tries to get Robin to have as much fun as possible whenever he does show up at the club. It's an escape from the growing concern about what Nova's been getting herself into.
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

Nova and Coin are practically an unstoppable power couple, perfectly balancing out eachother's flaws. Coin loves Nova and Maggot pretty equally, but Maggot is often quiet like they are, so Coin still tends to speak with Nova more often. Nova's been getting stranger though. She's never really been your average person, but she seems...too into this weird side gig they've started with middle-man'ing bounties. It's definitely not the path Coin was expecting to take in life after quitting the medical field. But the club is safe and doing fantastic, so they suppose this could be brushed off.
Coin and Maggot usually enjoy eachother's presence as time to cool down. Both aren't big talkers, Coin simply not having much to say unless they're interested in a topic, and Maggot having issues with her vocal chords that make her decide speaking isn't usually worth it. Maggot may have way more energy than Coin, but she often uses it all up working her security job at the club. So when they hang around with just the two of them, they're usually just hanging out somewhere quiet for a little.

Coin doesn't really think much of Mary, though they'd be lying if they said they didn't somewhat understand Nova's interest in her. Mary is probably the strangest person they've encountered, and Coin's spoken to a LOT of different types of people over the years. But even then, sometimes Nova's fascination of her still feels....a bit excessive.
Coin sees Robin as a friend, a friend with a lot of money for sure, but still a friend. Coin views them being a lot closer than they actually are, and sort of has a "I can fix him" type attitude about Robin. On one hand, it's a little bit about wanting Robin on the club's side, since Robin clearly doesnt want his money, and the club could always use more money. But they do actually care about him too, they've had good talks before, and Coin hates watching Robin get all depressed in the bar everyday. Which is also about half and half between actually worrying about him and just wanting him to quit bringing the mood down at the club. And maybe his 'sad wet kitten' energy is a bit cute too. Maybe.