Coldwood's top weirdo, which is saying something when the town is packed to the brim with weird people.
Everyone in town knows who he is, even if they don't know his name. It's hard not to remember the bewildering juxtaposition between his behaviors. You have the most pleasant customer service at the local chain store you've ever had, and the next day the guy is trying get grievously injured on purpose. And he looks so happy about it too! And he comes out of it completely fine everytime! I mean, sure he's still getting blood everywhere, but within 30 minutes it's already healed over with fresh skin. Maybe not fully healed, but the bleeding stops fast. ..He kinda freaks everybody out with this stuff, he is genuinely nice and kind, he cares very much for other people around him, but no matter how genuine he is, it's still disturbing when its combined with his impulsive masochism.

Height: | 5'6" | Eyes: | Light Pink |
Build: | Twiggy | Complexion: | Pure ass White |
Hair Style: | Overgrown Quiff | Hair Color: | Light Blonde |
- Doesn't come across well in my art style, since i sort of. Just straight up dont draw noses or ears half the time. But he does not have either, canonically. He can still hear and smell somehow, but his face is... sort of like a disturbingly smooth mannequin with eyes and a mouth.
- Blue blood. Sort of on the teal-ish/cyan end. His blush looks bright cyan, and it's a bit darker when it's from actual bleeding.
- Slightly longer fingers than average.
- Very smiley. He's certainly not incapable of other expressions, he absolutely feels anger and sadness and many other emotions. But it takes a lot to break that smile, he's a very positive person. It's more likely he'll express a negative emotion with his eyes and eyebrows rather than his mouth.
- Ref is his work outfit, since everyone at that store dresses in pastel colors as part of the dress code (though, Levi would dress like that anyway). Outside of work he's usually either still wearing his work outfit, but without the bowtie, or he's often in t-shirts, sweaters, jeans, and shorts. He focuses more on the colors than any actual sense of style, if it's comfy it works! He just likes dressing in primary colors, especially pastel ones. While he doesn't pay too much attention to his sense of style, he does like to show off more skin when he can, often rolling sleeves up, or wearing shorts a lot. Every now and then this skin he's showing off ends up covered in bandages and bandaids.
Levi is genuinely, entirely, sincerely, the actual nicest person in the entirety of the town. Almost delusionally so, it's like he came straight out of a cutesy cartoon meant to teach children proper morals. Everything he does he does with complete sincerity and honesty. Well, he's not immune to the occasional white lie, but only when he thinks that it's completely necessary, or if he promised not to talk about something. He's not ashamed of anything he likes, or anything about himself. He might be a little awkward talking about some stuff, but he's always honest, there's not a hint of any irony, sarcasm, or subconcious shame in him. He's very happy and satisfied with his life, he wouldn't change hardly a thing about it. Despite that though... He's a little too eager to please sometimes, and tends not to stand up for himself too hard. He'll certainly stand up for others, he won't tolerate unjust behavior to others, but unless he feels VERY strongly about something, then when it comes to himself, he'll just roll over quick.
He sees the good in everyone, even those that do things that upset him. He just wants everybody to happy and safe. He tends to heavily assume that those who behave meanly are simply just missing something from their lives, that anybody can get better if they're given the right resources and situation. He's just...not the one who can usually provide those things. Not out of lack of wanting to or trying to, but just because he. Sort of freaks everybody out a little. But he tries! He tries so hard. He treats everybody courteously, everyone's pretty sure that no one has ever seen him actually angry, maybe mildly annoyed at worst. He's more likely to just get really sad than angry at anybody. He dislikes what most people do for the most part, stealing, killing, any criminal activity. He thinks all that's obviously wrong. But he's more likely to try and 'fix' someone himself than anything else, especially since it's unlikely for him to ever be in any danger by doing so. He doesn't want to be a tattletale unless he absolutely has to.
In all honestly, Levi would probably be the most beloved person in town, he still almost is, everyone recognizes how kind he is, no one really wants to be too mean to him or anything. There's just...one thing. One big thing that kind of ruins it all.
He's got. An extremely horrible case of masochism. It's practically an addiction, no, frankly it is an addiction. He just can't help himself. It's not like he's being 'publicly indecent' about it, not in the traditional sense at least, he can control himself that much, he's a masochist, not an exhibitionist. ...Well, maybe he is a little bit, just not in that particular context. But the actual harm itself? He's still doing that practically anywhere. And scaring the shit out of people while doing it. And he goes pretty damn far with it too. Thanks to his bizarre regenerative abilities, he can handle things that would certainly kill other people instantly, and he won't even be knocked out over it. At worst he may be knocked out for just a minute or so. You could run him over with a truck head on and as long as his legs were still intact somehow, he'd just get right back up. He'd be broken and bleeding all over, but he'd still be awake somehow, and he wouldn't be bleeding for long anyway. He's very aware of the limits of his body, which are less any real limits and moreso how long it will take him to recover from something. Flesh wounds often heal the very same day, sometimes the next day if they're really large or especially deep. Broken bones can heal in about 2-3 days. He could lose a hand and it'll grow back in about 3 1/2 days. The longest something's ever taken him to recover from was when he did, in fact, get run over by a truck once on purpose, which took him about 4 1/2 days to be completely fixed up again. But he felt terrible about scaring the driver like that and vowed to never do that again. Even if it did feel really, really good. It's not even that he doesnt feel pain, he 100% does, he feels all of it. There's just some screw loose in his mind where it's the most enjoyable thing in the world to him. Sometimes it's sexual for him, sometimes it's just pure compulsion and that's all, nothing else behind it. But he's terrible at controlling that impulse. And since he's usually not being sexual about it at all when he's in public, he's kind of oblivious and doesn't see the big deal, it's his one major blind spot. He understands that people obviously dont like seeing blood and gore, but, he's fine! He's genuinely fine! Isn't the problem with blood and gore usually the fact that it means someone's been seriously hurt and might die? He doesn't get why it's so scary to everyone everytime when everyone knows by now that he'll be just fine with no lasting damage. Especially since he's not even bleeding that long either. Larger wounds might take longer to heal overall, but they stop bleeding fast, any exposed flesh is usually covered up with a fresh new layer of skin within the hour, 2 hours at worst. It might be...concave, or oddly shaped for awhile, which is how he counts how long something takes to 'heal', once it's either no longer oddly shaped, or in the case of a missing body part; once it's functional again. He doesn't count this quick layer of skin that stops the bleeding as 'healed', at least not when talking about the process to people.
And so because of this terrible mannerism of his, it combines rather horribly with how strangely sweet and kind he is, it's unsettling to watch a man try to gore himself every other day and then turn right around and speak in the kindest voice possible. It comes off as fake, even when people know it's not. It doesn't matter how sincerely kind he is, it's still disturbing to most people, even if he's shockingly well-adjusted in every other aspect except that one. Not helped by the fact that nobody knows what he is. His mom might be human, and its been confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's definitely her biological child. But whatever his dad was? No one knows. DNA tests can't figure it out either. So. The town is just sort of stuck with this disturbingly kind, masochistic, mannequin looking man.
- Getting Hurt
- Candy
- Cartoons
- Flowers
- Small Animals
- Upsetting People
- Lying
- Selfishness
- Honestly. Not much else.
- Masochistic
- Friendly
- Earnest
- Semi-Pushover
- Unsettling
- His orientation saying "Weird." is mostly in relation to his bizarre masochistic tendencies. He is, essentially, pansexual. He couldn't care less about gender. He just wants someone to hurt him, and hurt him bad. But, well. It's...a little hard to find someone who's willing to go that far with him, even if they know he'll be just fine.
- Wounds heal very quickly on him. No matter the severity, he'll pretty much always be better within the week, and even then it's usually under 4 days. He's never had an injury thats ever gone over 5 days to recover. And since his pain tolerance is so high, he can still function pretty well for the most part even with horrific injuries.
- Very expressive with his hands and eyes. He always tends to be smiling, but the rest of him is always moving.
- Likes sweet food a lot, loves kids cartoons (though maybe sometimes he shouldn't be allowed to watch them. Slapstick comedy gives him too many Ideas), and very much loves all the plants he's been taking care of in his house. He's a shockingly normal guy if you take away the whole masochism thing.
- Very very good at cleaning. He knows basically every trick for getting blood out of things. His house is clean enough that you'd never even think he'd been repeatedly injuring himself in there all the time. Same for his clothes. The less he has to replace, the better.
- he knows. so much about blood and injury and body parts. It's scary. He knows too much.
- His blood has hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin, resulting in its blueish color and his pale skin, though there is still some hemoglobin in there too, just not a whole lot. He's a mystery to most people who know anything about science about how he manages to function properly as a vertebrate whilst having blood that's typically only found in invertebrates. It works very well for whatever species his father was, but with Levi's human half it does have some side effects. He doesn't quite need as much oxygen in order to function, since hemocyanin isn't quite as good at carrying it around the body as hemoglobin is, but it does mean he can wear himself out easier, which he often does, given how energetic he is and. well. the injuring himself constantly thing. His healing factor is the main thing that counteracts this, without it he'd probably be very sleepy all the time. On the 'me-being-a-nerd' side, technically hemocyanin should be clear while inside the body and only turn blue when outside of it, meaning he technically shouldn't be able to blush at all. But. fuck you i don't care. it looks cute. Make up some bullshit like 'the weird combination between his lynxon human half and parallel human half manage to make it slightly oxygenated still' ok. ok? roll with me here.
Born and raised in Coldwood, Levi was the result of a random fling his mother had, and as a result neither of them can figure out what the hell his dad was species-wise. He was far more normal as a child, but started getting stranger as he realized how it barely even mattered when he got hurt. And so, he's taking full advantage of those regenerative abilties. Maybe too much. He's gotten himself banned from working at most places in town, the only place willing to keep him around being his current job at the chain store in town.
Levi was born in the town of Coldwood, and has never left his hometown either, which isn't uncommon there. He grew up with his single mother, the result of a one night stand she had with a man she never saw again. At the time she hadn't really thought anything about his dad not being human besides 'huh, well that's weird. oh well'. Most Lynxon humans can't hybridize with anything besides earth humans and aviars/aviar-hybrids. So it was... A shock, to say the least, when she discovered she was pregnant, and later Levi's appearance when he was born. No one expects to give birth to someone that looks like a freaky mannequin with eyes and a mouth.
Despite the shock though, Heather did her very best trying to raise Levi. She was worried about him constantly, Coldwood being a rather secluded town, mostly filled with humans, robots, and a few anthros scattered about. She knew Levi would stand out a LOT in comparison, and worried about him potentially getting bullied as he got older. He did a little bit, but the teasing mostly stopped after elementary school. Heather had very much raised him to be a kind person, and he was so kind that even some of the meanest kids just felt like they were kicking a puppy if they said anything bad to him. Though a lot of people would still talk amongst eachother trying to figure out what he was.
Levi and his mother discovered his regenerative abilities rather early, he was a very excitable and reckless little kid, and managed to severely break his arm after trying to do a trick on the playground. Everyone around him was freaking out, he'd practically snapped his forearm in half. But in the end, his arm had completely healed itself within 3 days, and it hardly looked like anything had even happened in the first place. Still being young, the pain from the experience had scared him off from being so reckless for awhile, but eventually he'd go right back to it, he couldn't resist running and jumping around on things. He'd injured himself a couple more times, none nearly as bad as that incident, and it became apparent that his quick healing was a trend.
Shortly after starting high school though, then stuff started to take a bit of a turn. Levi was still the extremely sweet and caring kid everyone knew, but he got much more curious about his healing abilities, and started trying to hurt himself more on purpose just to study it, tracking times on how fast different things healed. Doing it so often started giving him a much higher pain tolerance, and also a bit too much confidence about it, starting to accidentally scare other kids at school by doing things like suddenly deciding to stab himself with his pencils, even while in the middle of class. ...He would have to get sent out of the classroom a lot.
The mix of suddenly becoming fascinated with learning more about his healing alongside going through puberty led to some...Strange results. And now later, as an adult after graduating, he still didn't stop. It just sort of warped in on itself, still fascinated with trying to learn more, but also fascinated for...other reasons. He's already basically tested everything he could at home, so now he was trying things in other places, mostly out of curiosity. Mostly. But going around getting horrifically injured in the middle of public places would obviously terrify people, no matter how much he tried to insist and let them know that he was actually okay. This behavior was freaking out his mother as well. She still loved him, but him getting injured so often scared her, mainly worried that one day he'd accidentally find his actual limit and get himself killed.
Because of his mother's worries, he eventually suggested he go to therapy himself to ease her mind, and it did seem to help. But he never really went with any intent on stopping, instead essentially just using his new therapist, Ms Wether, as a chatting partner. She'd eventually realize all the other things he was doing, and was just as concerned, but would quickly give up as she'd realize just how often Levi was doing this, and wanted to be spared from the descriptions of what he went off and did. Sending him to a psychiatric hospital didn't really seem worth it, he was...technically not a danger to himself, he WAS fine everytime, he wasn't a danger to others, he'd never involve other people in what he did, he was well aware what he was doing was something only he could do and he'd never want someone else to get hurt, and honestly...She also just didn't want to inflict having to deal with him on anyone else. Around the same time he'd start trying to get jobs, it was easy enough to get hired at first, he was still as kind and helpful as he was when he was younger, and willing to do pretty much anything without complaint. But he'd still end up fired from most places when he'd compulsively start injuring himself on things again, becoming quite the liability pretty much anywhere he went. He's gone through practically every job he could qualify for at his level of education, and been fired by all of them. The store he would eventually start working at being the last remaining place willing to hire him, though not without some legal forms that Avery had gotten written up to protect the store from any legal trouble if Levi managed to kill himself there somehow. As long as Levi didnt scare away every customer, and cleaned up if he made a mess, then Avery was willing to be the one that had to deal with him. So Levi's been working there since, and he's very determined to keep proving himself as a good employee, even if a....bit of a disturbing one. He'd eventually managed to move out from his mom's house, a choice he also mostly made to spare her from seeing his injuries all the time. He wouldve gladly stayed there as long as she'd let him, but he didn't want to lead her to a heart attack somehow, so moving was the best option.
CurrentLevi's since lived on his own while working at the store for the past 3 years, still continuing his odd behavior, but at least he had his own place to do it now, not that it really stopped him from doing in middle of random places at all, but he could at least control himself a little better by this point.
About a year or so ago, Levi decided to take a trip to the local bar for fun after work. He didn't really have any reason for it, he'd tried to get drunk before, only to discover that whatever was healing everything else about him would also quickly 'heal' any sort of toxins, and alcohol still counted under that. The amount it took for him to get just tipsy was enough that it would be impossible to really drink any further. So..why the bar? Well, the reason was probably loneliness, he'd hardly had any friends most of his life, the one he did have just being his coworker who had to work with him. Subconsciously, he probably thought that maybe drunk people would be easier to talk to, that they might be loopy enough to not remember or think too hard about what he was known for in town. But consciously, he doesn't really know why he did this. But he did meet someone who seemed very willing to chat with him, Levi had never seen him around town before, which was odd for him, but he was excited to meet someone who didn't know all about everything he was doing.
The two would talk for awhile, before the man he was talking to would eventually invite him back to his house. Levi was unsure at first, but decided to come along, since the other person offered to watch some horror movies, and Levi had never actually gotten around to seeing one before. Now, there was. Frankly a lot of warning signs Levi should have caught onto on the way there, walking rather deep into the woods, off the usual paths, the weird way the other guy would emphasize some words, and the fact that his house would turn out to just be some dinged up shack that only had a couch and a tv inside. But Levi's never claimed to be the brightest person. ...They did play a horror movie on the tv at least!
There was a certainly a horror movie playing alright, but about 30 minutes in things would take a wild swing as the other guy would suddenly stab Levi with the intent to kill him. ...It didn't work. As the other guy got progressively more freaked out about the situation, not expecting to suddenly get someone who seemingly couldn't die, Levi would instantly swing the tone of the encounter completely around yet again, sounding more disappointed than anything that he'd stopped stabbing him. And after promising he wouldn't tell anybody, the other would decide to play along with his, frankly insane, pain kink. Leaving Levi very satisfied by the end of it.
Levi had sort of assumed he would never get into any sort of relationship, he'd never even kissed anyone before that night, but now he'd suddenly met someone crazy enough to indulge his level of masochism, and said they'd even consider letting him visit again. But there was still the whole...Attempted murder thing, and he'd seemed way too confident for Levi to have been their first time trying to kill somebody. Levi likes this Richard guy, but he doesn't want other people to get hurt anymore. His compulsion for pain only just barely overpowering his actual morals. He can...forget whatever happened in the past, he just needs to get Richard to only focus on him instead, he's the guy in town who wants to get hurt constantly! He wants to get Richard to have enough of a 'normal' life to make him less interested in killing other people, he can just stab him, Levi, instead!
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |
The two met after..Richard essentially attempted to murder Levi, only to discover that not only was it not gonna work on account of Levi's healing ability, but that Levi...really liked the experience. Neither of them have really confirmed anything about the state of their relationship at all. But Richard's the only person Levi's met that's willing to do all the insane shit that he likes. At the cost of...sort of hiding the fact that Richard has killed and eaten multiple people in town. Like he does with most other people, Levi thinks that Richard is just missing something in his life, and he's decided that he's absolutely going to try 'fixing him'. He wants Richard to just focus on him instead, no need to hurt other people, he's right here! And actively wants it! Yes, he really hates the whole serial-cannibal thing, it upsets him to think about it too hard. But.. If he ignores that, Richard seems decently nice to be around! Just, quiet, and has strong boundaries. He's very sure that he could fix him. He could totally fix this guy. Maybe.
Levi loves and cares about his mother very very much, he's a giant momma's boy. A lot of stuff he's done he's started doing purely to make her feel better. Heather worries a lot for him, especially with Levi's pervasive masochism. She knows he'll be 'fine', but it still scares the hell out of her. So Levi moved out so that she wouldnt have to see any of it as often, and he started therapy just to try and ease her mind a little, even though he doesn't really want to stop his behavior at all, he just talks about literally anything else with Ms. Wether. Despite how much Levi sort of stresses her out, she cares about him just as much, the two have a very good relationship.
This guy is sort of just, Ms. Wether's personal hell. He told his mom he'd go to therapy to ease her mind, and he did. But he's got 0 interest in stopping the whole masochism-addiction thing. He just goes in and talks about whatever small things he's worried about, or if he maybe had a bad day at work that week. Ms. Wether is fine with this, she's the only therapist in town, and frankly, whatever the hell is going on with Levi is WAY above her field of expertise. Just seeing him come into the office with a missing hand or covered in bandages is enough. If he's not 'actually' hurt, then. She doesn't know what the hell he's been up to, she doesn't need those details. She still tries every sometimes, mostly suggesting that Levi should try and stop for a period of time every now and then, and he does try, because he's eager to please, but...Well. He usually fails at reaching any of the goals.
Levi and Adam are...sort of friends? I mean Adam sort of has to hang around him usually, their work schedules frequently overlap. Adam doesn't have anything against Levi on a personal level, he does understand that Levi's just...got some weird shit going on, and that it's probably okay, because Levi is fine otherwise. He appreciates how nice he is, and how willing he is to do favors for Adam at work every now and then. The only thing really keeping them from being closer is that, while Adam... Understands him on a logical level, sort of, Adam unfortunately has a specific issue in his code that makes him freak out and/or bluescreen at the sight of blood. And..Levi is often getting blood on things. Really often. Levi tries his best to cover anything up and not let it be visible, he hates upsetting Adam, but not everything can be hidden so easily, and even then, Adam is still sort of stuck with the knowledge that he is most definitely doing all that shit still.
Avery is Levi's manager at the chain store he works at. Avery is...Also currently the ONLY person in town willing to employ Levi anymore. Avery's sort of just got the right balance of caring about people's wellbeing while also..not really giving a shit about anything. As long as Levi isn't getting blood on shit, or is at least cleaning it up himself if he does, Avery is willing to deal with him. He does have to make sure Levi is banned from certain parts of the store though. Levi is extremely grateful for Avery being willing to keep him employed, and at this point, does so much around the store that it would probably fall apart without him, even if people would rather not admit that.