Maggot is the head of security for Nova's club, she trains the others that work at the club, as well as actively participates in keeping the order. Sometimes she can be a little /too/ eager to kick people out, but she doesnt pass that onto those she trains, thats just a little fun for her to do.
She was found by Nova and Coin one day, her left leg in awful shape (there's a reason she decided to choose that for her nickname) and unconscious. Coin and Nova brought her inside their home behind the club, since Coin both knew how and had the things to treat her themself, and allowed her to stay when she eventually woke back up. Maggot has stuck by them since, both because she appreciates their help and cares for them, but also because she wouldnt know where to go anyway, when she woke up she could hardly remember a thing except what city she was in and how old she was.
Like Nova and Coin, Maggot has adopted their views of only caring for the spotlight and having fun, but Maggot leans more toward just wanting to have fun. She enjoys the spotlight, but she's also awkward when she has it. They don't like to speak very much, as whatever happened to her leg and caused the other scars on her, also messed with her throat, and as a result her voice is raspy and hard to talk with for extended periods. She doesn't mind too much at least, she doesn't have a lot to say that requires long sentences.
Maggot is mostly uninvolved with the criminal side of everything, despite the whole thing having been her suggestion originally, she mostly just acts as Nova's bodyguard. She doesn't want to be directly involved, she just thought it would be a good idea for extra money, and she enjoys hearing the stories of what happened on the jobs, when she can convince the hitmen to actually tell her that is.

Height: | 6'1" | Eyes: | Pink |
Build: | Fit | Skin: | Grey |
Hair Style: | Wavy/Over the eye | Fur Color: | Black |
- Intersex through chimerism, some of her feathers/fur are duller colored, others are much more iridescent like expected from male grackles. She looks pretty funky when the light hits them at certain angles.
- Doesn't usually like wearing shirts, jackets are fine, but she likes showing off her chest. And since she doesn't have a mammal like chest, they never have any reason to cover up. Usually prefers a jacket and shorts combination, long pants tend to irritate the scar on her leg to much. Skirts are sometimes tolerable, but they definitely prefer shorts the most. Doesn't care as much for being fashionable like Coin or Nova, so sometimes the colors they wear look like a disaster together, but she's still often wearing something that Coin probably made for them whenever she's at the club.
- The scar on her leg is very rough. It was in VERY bad shape when Coin and Nova found them, the scar that's still left is still an extremely impressive improvement from how it looked before. If it had gotten any worse she may have lost the leg entirely. She also has a thick scar on her upper thigh, the same leg as the worst scar, mostly covered by her pants. As well as a scar that wraps around her forearm on the same side. Her other arm has a smaller scar near her wrist.
- The claws on her hands are retractable like a cat's, but Coin is pretty sure she isn't a cat hybrid like Nova is. They're not really sure what she is. Maggot usually likes having her claws out though.
- Most of her fluffier areas are more feather-like than fur-like, especially her tail and ears, but her torso and legs are undeniably just short fur.
Maggot is very excitable and has a short fuse. Compared to Nova or Coin, she's definitely not as traditionally 'smart', losing almost all of your memories will do that to you, but she's not dumb either. While academic skills are hard for her to retain, she picks up on physical skills pretty quickly, fighting and restraining people is the best example, but since losing her memory she's also managed to pick up skills in playing different instruments, as well as random little party tricks she can show people.
Maggot likes to have fun, both the sort of fun most people think of, but they also find some strange enjoyment in having to fight people. They can mostly control themself, they have a job to do as head of security, she's not going to give the club a bad name. But it'd be a lie to say she doesn't sometimes go a little overboard if someone being kicked out happens to especially get on her nerves. She won't teach this behavior to any of the other security workers below her, but it's fun to let her anger out. And while she doesn't encourage this behavior in her subordinates, she doesn't exactly discourage it too strongly either if it does happen to come up. They have very little issue with violence as a solution to problems.
She doesn't like to talk very much, her vocal chords are fried from whatever happened that caused her other wounds and her amnesia. She can still technically speak, but her voice is very raspy and talking too long hurts her throat, so she only does so when she thinks she has to. Sign language would probably help her, and she's tried to learn it, but they just cant really get the hang of it. She doesn't have much to say anyway usually, so it's fine by her.
When Maggot likes someone, she really enjoys going out places with them and trying new things. She's incredibly loyal to those she gets attached to, sometimes too much, Coin's had to talk to her a few times about not punching people that shittalk the club when they've been out and about in the city. This loyalty can also have drawbacks in her being incredibly easy to fool. She doesn't really remember anything before meeting Coin and Nova, and they've both always been very honest to her. Maggot doesn't expect people to lie to her, and will often take most things that people say at face value. Coin and Nova will usually guide her away from people that may be trying to take advantage of her, but Maggot never really learns the lesson that sometimes people just have terrible intentions.
- Coin/Nova
- Fighting
- Food
- Shopping
- Thinking
- Veggies
- Talking
- Questions
- Cheapskates
- Aggressive
- Playful
- Loyal
- Intense
- Gullible
- Intersex via chimerism.
- Genuinely can't remember a thing about her past. She sometimes gets vague bursts of memory, but never anything specific, only feelings or 'ideas'. 32 years of her life are just a void.
Maggot doesn't really remember much of her past, and as far as she cares, it doesn't really matter to her. It doesn't matter to Coin or Nova either. What they all find more important is the present. Whether Maggot was just an average person or did horrible things in the past is irrelevant. They're happy as they are now, remembering the past would likely just complicate things.
Maggot doesn't remember a single thing about their past before meeting Nova and Coin, and it doesn't really matter much to her to try and recall it. She's very happy with her current situation, and remembering things would just be a bother by now.
When Maggot was first found by Nova and Coin, she had fallen unconcious behind their home. The state she was in was horrendous, with a roughly torn ear, deep gashes on her arm as if something had tried to corkscrew the skin off, a deep cut in her lower torso that if it had gone any deeper would have likely been lethal, a similar deep gash on her upper thigh, and the worst looking one; an area of completely and roughly stripped skin on the hock of her leg, badly infected to the point that maggots were trying to eat at it.
The state she was in had completely shocked Coin and Nova, but especially Coin, who was surprised she had survived whatever did this to her long enough for her leg to even end up like that. How long had she just been wandering with these wounds? It was evident they were all trying to heal, but weren't able to without help. Coin would immediately drag her inside the house, and them and Nova would take care of her for the next few weeks, trying to heal the wounds. The disinfecting and stitching was easy enough, for the most part, they were pretty badly wounded, but Coin had the genius to fight it off. But even as they began to get better, it still would take a few more days before Maggot would finally wake back up. Confused about where she was, not vocally, but very visible on her face, Coin told her that they were in their house, and explained what had happened over the weeks she was unconcious. Whatever had injured the rest of her clearly fucked up her throat as well, and when she did try to speak it was very painful. But she managed to answer some of Coin's questions, not many, but two were easy enough. They couldn't remember their name, where they came from, or anything else, but she knew she was 32, and what city the three of them were in.
Maggot, with the approval of Nova and Coin, decided to stay and live with them, since she had nowhere else to go, and at the current moment, they were the only 2 she could trust. The two would have been fine with this regardless, but Coin also wanted her to stay so they could keep checking up on how she was healing in case there was any complications. There thankfully wasn't, and over the time Maggot stayed there, Coin and Nova would get almost as attached to her as she was getting to them. None of them ever officially asked Maggot to date them, but it simply sort of happened regardless, the three of them basically silently agreeing that she was one of them now. In the meantime, she'd also decided to finally give herself a new name, calling herself Maggot, both in some sort of strange honor of what she'd just survived, but also just liking the grimy vibe of the name.
Despite some initial attempts, Maggot's memory never really returned at all, it was seeming like it was simply gone forever. But Maggot didn't have a problem with it, enjoying Nova and Coin's company, the potential of accidentally remembering something that would ruin what they had was something Maggot didn't want to risk. What if she remembered having a husband or wife or something? Or god forbid kids. It seemed unlikely, and maybe she felt a little guilty for wanting to push that aside if it somehow did turn out to be the case, but she was enjoying herself too much to ever want to go back in time. She loved the club and she loved Coin and Nova.
Eventually Maggot would get bored of not being able to do anything to help the club, and wanted to help more. No one really knew what to do about it at first, but Nova would eventually notice Maggot seemingly having a knack for stopping troublesome patrons, and her and Coin would help them learn how to work as security for the club, and eventually after the former security head would quit, made Maggot the next head of security. Now they had a good coverage together, Maggot handling security, even if she'd get a little overzealous sometimes, Coin handling finances, and Nova having her ideas and golden tongue. Stuff was good
CurrentMaggot's since had a pretty regular life, regular enough for everything that's happened. Over the years her wounds never really healed perfectly, but with the state she'd been in, Coin had practically conducted a miracle, being able to fix her all by themself without going to a proper hospital. She doesn't mind too much, similar to how she enjoyed choosing her new name, she enjoyed how 'badass' the scars made her look. Even if she couldnt really remember how they happened, it had to be something bad, and she was proud to have survived it.
Maggot would have a few small bursts of memory over time as well, never anything concrete, but things that would suddenly spark emotions or random ideas. The biggest one being when she suddenly remembered that there was a big bounty hunting scene in the Sintane Galaxy, and when profits for the club were getting stagnant, suggested getting into it to Nova, who liked the idea and agreed. Maggot doesn't take any part in it beyond having suggested the idea, she doesn't know where the idea came from, and would rather not risk extreme danger again too closely, she's perfectly happy with her security job, and simply getting to hear about the adventures of these bounty hunters, mostly through Mary, is good enough for them. She's completely satisfied with her current life, she gets to wrestle people out of the building for a job, and she has two loving partners. Everything seems perfect!
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

Nova and Maggot are both very full of energy, and get along in ways that neither of them can really do with Coin. Coin is by far the most well-adjusted of the three of them, but Nova and Maggot get a lot of entertainment from the weird ways people react to things. Nova tries not to encourage Maggot's more violent tendencies, but the two do still get a kick out of it every now and then, especially when talking about Mary and how she behaves.
Maggot is a little biased toward Coin when it comes to the three of them. It's hard for her not to be, Coin was the one that helped fix all her wounds, and has also been the one to try and get her used to how the world works again. Nova helps with the latter as well, but Nova's view on the world doesn't really work for Maggot usually. Nova is very pretty and good at putting people at ease, Maggot is intimidating even when she's not trying to be. Maggot and Coin don't talk out loud very often, both being generally quiet people, but they enjoy getting to hang around somewhere quiet when they need time to cool off from running the club. She also really likes the attention Coin gives her when she does something kind of reckless, she probably shouldn't do that, but it's nice getting the attention from their concern.

Rose also works security at the club, and so Maggot is her superior. But Maggot has always been a bit chill when it comes to being a boss. The two will often go out to eat around the city when they're both not working.
Maggot really likes Mary, she thinks she's very funny, and really likes hearing about all the weird shit that she gets up to during her jobs for Nova, especially since Mary is often the only one who will actually talk to her about them. She doesn't really notice that Mary is usually not as interested in hanging out as they are, but that doesn't stop Maggot from inviting her out to go have fun in the city.