Runner of the biggest club on Lynxon and in the top 5 richest people on the planet, Nova is surprisingly a passive person for what she does as her 'side hustle', she's never angry, she's often understanding, often gives leeway. So what is this job? Managing hitmen, essentially. Nova is /very/ rich, she's in the top 5 wealthiest people on Lynxon as a whole, and no one gets that rich as fast as she did without getting their hands dirty. Thanks to the rocky state of Lynxon's space laws, Nova runs a perfectly legal club on the planet itself, while using loopholes in the current laws to hire intergalactic assassins and thieves to help with any dirtywork that needs done, often not even her own. Nova is very good at handling her own affairs, instead she chooses to make deals with others that set bounties or request a sneaky hit, offering her reach given her wide connections. These deals of course, always benefit her somehow, even if not monetarily, and it isnt always clear how at times.
Nova is an excellent manipulator when she wants to be, and this 'kind' behavior she affords to everyone is what allows her to do so. She knows how to keep people in line, whether they know shes doing it or not.
At her core though, Nova has no care for the ideas of doing good or doing bad, all actions are neutral in morality to her, hypocrisy can be found in most of what she does. Her goal in life is to be in the spotlight at all times and to have fun, a trait she shares with her romantic partners Coin and Maggot, though Nova embodies both traits the most. She's extremely rich, she loves the club she runs, and watching people scramble for her money to the point of killing people is, admittedly, funny to her. She doesn't care how anything goes, as long as her way of living is safe still.
The club mostly maintains itself monetarily, she balances out its profits and what it needs to run effectively very well. Despite most of the city have a weird feeling about her, she's never done anything /wrong/ necessarily in the public eye, and employees of the club all say that while the job is stressful due to the size of the place, the wages and PTO are excellent, all employees are insured, and further. The employee turnover rate for her club is very low. This is one of the major views into her hypocrisy that those who know her more personally can quickly spot, she genuinely wants to see everyone around her simply having a good time, but she has zero qualms silencing 'party poopers' for good, taking away their right to the fun. The club makes some profit, but it really all goes into making the place so good both to visit and to work at that it's hard for anyone to /truly/ want it gone, even if theres still plenty of people who think it's gaudy and a waste of space in the city. Most of her spare income comes from these criminal deals 'in space', which she launders through other ways in order to seem legitimate, but she will always keep the club uninvolved. She's a terrible person, but she does truly believe that everyone should get to live the way she does, or at least have a taste of it, and so making sure the club can exist long after she's gone is priority, it cannot be tarnished. She uses the laundered money to both pay her criminal hires as well as for more major renovations to the club, the rest is just for fun.

Height: | 6'3" | Eyes: | Cyan Blue |
Build: | Lithe | Skin: | Pale |
Hair Style: | Sideswept Bangs | Fur Color: | Blonde/Pink |
- Often wearing different outfits, always very feminine and always very brightly colored. Almost all of the clothes she wears are custom made by Coin, and glow in the dark.
- Most of the pink fur on her is dyed. She's naturally just blonde, the only naturally pink part of her is her tail, she enjoys dying her fur to match it (and often dyes the tail too so that it will glow with the rest of her fur, even if it's already pink)
- Her chest fur is extremely fluffy and often takes the shape of an upside down star. Sometimes her clothes will show off this fluff, other times she'll wear something a bit tighter fitting to keep it under control.
Nova only has 3 priorities in her life: Have as much fun as possible, stay in the spotlight, and keeping her club afloat. If there was any one person to be the poster child of hedonistic and indulgent behavior, Nova would sweep the competition. Many on the planet have assumed that her personality would get in the way of running a business, but at least so far, it's been quite the opposite. She's willing to do nearly anything to ensure that she and her partners are having a good time everyday. Of course life can't always be perfect, but that doesn't stop her from trying, at the least she can make a shitty slog of a day mildly better than it would have been. The club is a major part of this "having a good time".
These '3 priorities' are often how she makes all of her decisions, and for the most part, everything else she cares about is under one of these categories in some form. For example, her romantic partners Coin and Maggot make her happy, so they qualify under 'having fun', this doesn't mean she drops them when the going gets tough however, if any of them are having a rough time, it means that her goal is to figure out how to solve it together so they can all return to enjoying themselves.
Nova is excellent at balancing the serious with the fun, often managing to find ways to make the more slow tasks of a day into something more interesting, while still keeping up the pace, if not managing to end up finishing them even more efficiently. She is acutely aware that those who are miserable will never get things done as well as those who are enjoying their life, both in quality and quantity of their work. For this very reason, despite herself not being exempt from greed whatsoever, she takes excellent care of her club's employees. The goal of her club, at least as she sees it, is to spread joy and fun into the city. Anyone hired there enjoys full benefits, regardless of how 'low ranking' their job may be. All receive plenty of paid time off, living wages, and excellent medical insurance.
But having enough money to do all of this as well as run a club that could practically double as an amusement park is no easy feat. No one gets to her amount of wealth without getting their hands dirty, she's no exception. Her 3 priorities are, quite literally, her only 3 priorities. She may genuinely want to spread the fun to as many people as possible, but she doesn't care how it gets done. Almost all actions are neutral in morality to her, if it isn't harming her, her partners, or her club, then she couldn't care less. Nova is an excellent manipulator, and has no qualms using others to her benefit, she believes that what others don't know can't hurt them. If they're having a good life still, or at the least don't realize what she's doing, then what's the problem? The only two people in the world safe from this behavior are her partners, who she is very open with and communicates to frequently. On the same subject, she also has no issues whatsoever with abusing loopholes in Lynxon's laws, both her country's and the planet's global/intergalactic ones. She has the skills to hide it, and the money and connections to weasel out of it even in the case that she was ever caught. Though she's never had to face the latter on any serious level yet. Rules are meant to be broken after all.
Because of these views on morality however, her ideas of fun can sometimes end up a bit twisted in nature. She would never show it around the club or in public, of course not, that could ruin her club's perception and that would be unacceptable. But she frequently finds amusement in the things people will resort to when at their lowest, a trait that partly led to her agreement in beginning her 'middle-man'ing for those seeking bounty hunters and assassins. Watching people be willing to kill others for varieties of reasons is fascinating to her, and since those doing so are often beyond the line of returning to 'normal' life ever again, it can feel like playing with toys. It is perhaps the one and only thing she does not speak to her partners about, at least not in full detail. Maggot may share some of her amusement in it all, but Maggot is also an amnesiac, and nearly all she's known is Nova and the club. She's sane enough to at least not want to encourage this behavior in her partner too much. This same fascination also leads her to being quite nosy about other people's lives, often digging deep into people's histories, whether it's the killers she's working with, or simply just people partnered with the club. Knowing as much as she can about the people she's surrounded by is one of the key parts in how she manages to get things to go the way she wants them to. She's usually not the blackmail type, keeping what she knows to herself for the most part, but having this knowledge gives her a better look into other's personalities and what makes them tick.
To most people she meets though, Nova is surprisingly calm and forgiving, she prefers not to solve her own issues with violence usually, there's no need to risk something like that getting out when her smooth talking and bargaining is often enough, especially if Coin is assisting her. But there is nothing Nova hates more than whoever she deems 'party poopers' however, a category that is reserved for those who try to harm her, her partners, or the club. She will usually react to these people 'eye for an eye' style, but those who particularly piss her off by going too far? Well, she /is/ connected with plenty of people who kill for money. She's careful and calculated whenever it reaches this point, she will never allow anything to be traced back to the club, but she does not back down. In regular business, she's known for being effeciently cutthroat in the manner most business owners expect. In the seedy underground of galactic crime though? It is incredibly common knowledge that messing with her or the club is strictly discouraged. She does not play games with her club, she is here to middle-man and provide a service in connecting clients with people who will kill, and that's all. She wants no part in their drama, and those who attempt to involve her are swiftly taken care of, whether it be a good old fashioned murder, or stamping their reputation into the ground as deep as it can go.
Similarly to how she interacts with the average person, Nova also has lots of leeway when working alongside the vendors and sponsors that make the grande scope of her club possible. She's timely on payments, knows what to say, and what not to say. But she has her skills mostly in the talking side of business, less so the actual financial sides of things. She knows her weaknesses, and that one of them is she can get a bit overzealous with her ideas and plans for the club. So when it comes to this, she and her partner Coin work together. Coin is great at handling a budget and executing plans on the financial side, but is a little lacking when it comes to getting the best deal out of things, they know what the best deal would be, but don't have the same gift Nova does in smooth talking their way into it, meanwhile Nova excels at bargaining and getting people on her side. Coin tells Nova when she needs to back down from an idea a bit and settle for something smaller, and what sort of deal they're looking for in order to achieve what they want, Nova handles the speaking portion. The two of them together make a force to be reckoned with, one that allowed their club to grow so expotentially quickly, going from mildly wealthy to some of the richest people on Lynxon.
- Coin/Maggot
- Fun
- Money
- Drinking
- Pushing Limits
- 'Party Poopers'
- Boredom
- Laws
- Dull Colors
- Losing
- Manipulative
- Observant
- Hedonist
- Cutthroat
- Vindictive
- Nova, Coin, and Maggot have an open relationship. Hooking up with others, either alone or as a group, is rather common.
- Nova is a stealth trans woman, the only people she's actually out to (that are still alive at least) are Coin and Maggot. Her tail would normally be a giveaway, but to her benefit; hybrids with "the birds" are still relatively unknown in how they work, and cause strange mutations all the time. Being a very obvious hybrid, most don't think twice about it. Especially with how rich she is. Cosmetic surgery is rather advanced on Lynxon, those who don't think it's a mutation simply assumed she paid to make it fancier, given the aesthetic of her club.
- Sensitive to sunlight, she doesn't really like going outside unless she's wearing strong sunglasses. She can do it still, but struggles with seeing if it's too sunny out and gets headaches after awhile. This isn't usually a problem for her though, she prefers staying within her club or at home most of the time.
- Messing with her is very genuinely a horrible idea. It's pretty hard to truly get on her bad side nowadays, but god help you if you do. You will not get out unscathed in some form.
- Big gambler, and not against cheating. She loves playing against patrons at the club that get a little too cocky in the casino area. Like she is with other things, she sees no issue as long as no one gets caught. She'll accept losing against another cheater if she couldn't notice them doing so during the round.
Born wealthy, Nova decided to try and make it on her own for a little bit. Going into modeling, she ended up marrying her manager, who wasn't a great man. After his 'sudden' suicide, Nova decided to accept her family's money again and go solo, eventually meeting Coin, who was wanting a change in their lifestyle, and began dating. The two would shortly decide to make a club together on a whim, and managed to make it work. It worked so well in fact, that they're in the top 5 richest people on Lynxon now. Nova keeps wanting more though. It's not enough.
Nova was born into money, her parents both being famous for varying reasons. Nova would find out she was trans rather early in life, and her parents supported this, allowing her to transition sooner than most. Pretty much everyone in her life has always known her as a girl, and she was perfectly happy with the other name her parents suggested, the one they had originally planned for if she had been born a girl. Norah was a nice name, and she loved it. Nova was always very energetic, always the best dressed at school, and would hold parties frequently, becoming popular quickly and gaining a lot of friends. Though even back then she was never too close to any particular people, she was great at playing the part of a friend, but preferred to focus on having fun.
Shortly before graduating, she was already being noticed on social media for her sense of fashion, and was offered a modeling position to be saved for her after she graduated, which she gladly accepted, going from school straight to modeling. In her early 20s, her manager, Adam, had special interest in her, and the two would get closer over time, and eventually dating in secret. Nova didn't really think anything of this at first, he was a bit older than her, sure, but he knew how to have fun, and she loved that. She was even comfortable enough with him to share her 'secret' about being trans.
Eventually though, when she was 24, the two got married, and that was when things began to change. Adam, like many abusers, was good at keeping Nova around despite treating her worse and worse. And he was good at hiding it. He never laid hands on her, but his moods would flip on a dime, and regularly gaslighting her even over the smallest things became frequent. Nova still loved modeling, but everything behind the scenes was taking a toll on her, feeling like she was crazy.
This would go on for the next 5 years, until eventually Nova got sick of it all. It was finally hitting her what was going on, and something in her snapped. She'd play along a little longer, but started doing the same tactics back on him, not working right away, but Nova was smarter than he was, and much more vindictive, eventually managing to figure out how to get under his skin, gaslighting him back and secretly spreading rumors about him. Once these rumors started having small effects on his career, she would divorce him, but didn't stop these rumors, no, instead she got harder with them. By the time she was 32, she'd managed to ruin all hopes of him having a career again, how many rumors were true and how many were false didn't matter, it was over for him, and he ended up taking his own life through overdosing.
With her husband gone, Nova decided she wanted to continue modeling, but she was her own manager now, and began using the name 'Nova' instead of Norah. She'd previously refused her parents money, but decided to accept it now to make things easier on her. 2 years after her former husband's death, Nova meets Coin at a bar, and they instantly hit it off. Nova's a little cautious still, but she's spent more time analyzing everyone she speaks to since when she first began spreading rumors, and Coin seems genuine. They start to date within a few months, and things continue to go great. Nova refuses to ever marry again, and says that from the very start, but Coin is fine with this, not wanting marry either. Things move rather quick with the pair, only 2 years later hitting a rather early 'mid-life crisis' and deciding to start up a club together. Coin excited to have a place to show off their fashion, as well as finally put the business skills they learned to work. Nova is excited to run something on a larger scale, liking the power and customization of owning her own business. Thanks to Coin, both of their parents, and loans, things progress quickly, FELIS SUPERNOVAE was born, the club managing to expand rather rapidly over the next few years. Coin has practically gotten making a profit down to a T, and the club becomes a big tourist spot, bringing in even further income. They're so successful in fact that people begin to suspect foul play, but after one investigation, absolutely nothing was found, because there was nothing to find. The two had simply gotten extraordinarily lucky. Space travel between Earth and Lynxon becoming somewhat cheaper around the same time also had an influence in this, becoming a popular destination for rich people from earth to visit as well.
A few months after this boom of wealthy visitors, Nova and Coin would find someone unconcious behind their home. Normally they would have brushed this off, but the state she was in was absurd to Coin, covered in wounds, with one in particular being particularly nasty. Their doctor instincts kicking back in, the pair brought her in to fix her up. When she recovers, she can't remember anything but her age and the city she's in. They allow her to live with them, and she decides to start calling herself Maggot, after the incident with her leg. Maggot shows interest in their job right away, and seems to have a knack for working security, so Nova helps train her in it further, and Maggot is shortly made head of security for the club. As the club's profits began to level off, Maggot has a sudden burst in her memory. It's small, but she remembers that there is a rather thriving scene for intergalactic bounty hunting, and suggests this idea to Nova. Coin is a bit more wary, but Nova isn't, and the two decide to go with it. Within a year Nova is already gaining a reputation out there, one that she manages to keep separate from her club. When a group attempt to take their anger out on her club, they mysteriously disappear a few months later. After this incident, Nova's reputation out there grows stronger, and more people come to her for this 'middle-man' service she provides. Managing to launder the profit in a way that doesn't suspect any foul play, the club once again keeps expanding, though at a slower pace, at Coin's reccomendation. The club is already massive by this point, and absurdly popular, so they save most of this new 'profit' to hold events instead, rather than expand.
CurrentNova eventually comes across Mary not too long after her reputation's become pretty cemented in space, and she takes a surprising fascination with her. Mary comes and goes as though she's taking bounties of her own accord, but Nova quickly notices just how good Mary is at these jobs, and subtly manipulates her to keep her returning and taking more. Mary feels free, but she's not. Mary deciding to quit isn't an option, Nova wants her to stay as her 'main bounty hunter' and finds ways to keep Mary sticking around. 2 years later Nova also comes across Riley, and uses similar tactics to make Riley a spy for her, keeping up to date on whatever she thinks she needs to know. Nova notices a connection between Riley and Mary rather quickly, Mary may not be open about her past at all, but some of her mannerisms slip, and Riley being more open allows Nova to connect the dots. She makes sure that the two never run across eachother, but Riley still eventually notices things that are off, even if they're not sure why yet.
Things continue like this for the next 4 years, up until the present. But things are starting to seem off. Mary, who showed complete disinterest in any sort of company before, has started talking to more people. Seemingly showing up with more and more people as she keeps doing jobs for Nova. This is concerning, since Mary's isolation was a large part in keeping her coming back. But Nova knows what she's doing. She has this under control.
Strength | |
Energy | |
Dexterity | |
Health | |
Beauty | |
Style | |
Hygiene |
Perception | |
Communication | |
Persuasion | |
Mediation | |
Literacy | |
Creativity | |
Cooking |
Tech Savvy | |
Combat | |
Survival | |
Stealth | |
Street Smart | |
Seduction | |
Luck |
Intelligence | |
Happiness | |
Spirituality | |
Confidence | |
Humor | |
Anxiety | |
Patience |
Passion | |
Charisma | |
Empathy | |
Generosity | |
Wealth | |
Aggression | |
Libido |
Higher Power | |
Magic | |
Destiny | |
Soulmates | |
Good/Evil | |
Luck |
Family | |
Friends | |
Love | |
Health | |
Praise | |
Justice | |
Truth | |
Power | |
Fame | |
Wealth | |
Other's Opinions |

Nova is incredibly close with both of her partners, but she'd be lying if she wasn't a little biased toward Coin. It's mainly because they met first, and founded the club together. The two make a formidable pair, both being very intelligent but in the aspects that each other lacks. The only real rocky spot they have to deal with is the fact that Coin has far more empathy for other people, it's often misguided, but still there. Meanwhile Nova tends not to care about most people besides Coin and Maggot. Sometimes this can lead to disagreements between the two, but they can usually find ways to work through it.
Nova and Coin found them behind their home one day completely unconcious and in terrible shape. The two took her in and Coin managed to fix her up back to good health, and she's stuck by the two since. Maggot and Nova get along much better in matters of wanting to do crazy things together, how much of it is Maggot being like that already and how much was influence by Nova after Maggot's amnesia is up for debate. But Nova doesn't really think about that a lot, if Maggot is enjoying herself, then Nova is too.

Nova has a bizarre fascination with Mary. Mary reminds her of herself, sometimes to a fault. She's incredibly easy to fool, but holds the same urge to try and ignore the bad parts of life and have fun instead. But Mary is a very private person, and really getting into her head is difficult when she's purposefully changing her personality every so often. Most people have core beliefs that can be singled out even when they try to hide it, but Mary truly seems to just not care, and changes her mind on a dime. She thinks she could mold Mary to be a great working partner, she's obviously too far gone for a normal life in Nova's eyes, but she's incredibly good at what she does, and trying to become someone Mary trusts is a large goal of her's. If Mary trusts her, then Nova can have her do nearly anything she wants. In her own mind she does truly care about Mary's wellbeing, but her version of 'care' for her is rather twisted. It might genuinely be impossible for Nova to actually care about anyone as an actual person besides Coin and Maggot at this point in her life.
Nova thinks Riley is interesting, but only as an extension of Mary. She's curious about them, but Riley is too smart and distrustful to fall for her sweet talking. She's well aware that Riley is only working for her because she's dangled a promise that their adoptive father failed to deliver on, and dislikes their father enough to be loyal to Nova. While Nova does plan to deliver on getting Riley papers to exist legally again and escape their father eventually, it can't be too soon, Riley is too useful, both as a spy and as a pool of info about Mary's past, she needs the leverage.

Nova has never personally met Mirabelle, but she knows enough about her to find her a nuisance. Mary likes her too much, and that's a problem, because Mirabelle is nearly as clever when it comes to people's emotions as Nova is. The difference being that Mirabelle actually cares about people, and as an extension of that; cares about Mary. She doesn't know what Mary and Mirabelle talk about, but she knows that if it goes on long enough that Mary is going to realize there's a problem eventually.
Nova doesn't have a lot of major thoughts on Robin, but she acknowledges his wealth, and will act friendly toward him when they're near eachother. When he's not around though, she usually pokes fun about him to Coin, since Coin seems rather fond of him. Sometimes Coin will laugh along, sometimes these jokes annoy Coin. Robin is mostly just a potential investor to her, but he's so stuck in his morals that it can get on her nerves at times.